"What are you doing?" Yan Zheng asked.

"She called you a horse..." wuwuwu... "I'll hit her. It's insulting Feng Zheng cried.

Yan Zheng is a fool.

Han Ling is not afraid of things. In other words, every day he hopes to be like a grand theft in the river and lake to punish evil and promote good. For Feng Zheng's provocation, Han Ling straightened out his chest and went up.

"Come on, I'm afraid of you?"

Feng Zheng is nearly one year older than Han Ling. He is a little bit taller than Han Ling. The boy is strong and has thick arms. He swings his arms at Han Ling.

Although Han Ling was small, his courage was commendable. He held his waist and kicked him hard.

Yan Zhengcao started to watch the wonderful battle and was very happy. Occasionally, he cheered Fengzheng: "come on, Fengzheng. You're a boy. You can't lose. "

Han Ling's lovely braid was scattered by Feng Zheng, and his arm was scratched by Feng Zheng's nails. But instead of crying, she fought bravely.

He always encouraged Feng Zheng: "you are not allowed to cry. Who cries is the dog

Feng Zheng said, "I don't cry."

Han Ling stamped on Feng Zheng's feet, and Feng Zheng began to cry in pain.

Han Ling anxiously looked at the upstairs window and put out his hand to cover Feng Zheng's mouth“ You said you didn't cry. You don't mean what you say. You need a long nose. "

When Feng Zheng heard that her nose was going to grow longer, she cried even more. Yan Zheng hugs Feng Zheng and says helplessly: "Stinky boy. My sister didn't cry. What are you crying for? "

Han Ling said, "he is a coward."

Yan Zheng

Yan Zheng swallowed his saliva and coaxed Hanling into saying: "little ancestor, you can't say that later. It's a curse. "

Han Ling covers his mouth in horror, and a pair of black colored glass pupils are full of confused light.

"My grandfather said, fight can't retreat, retreat is coward."

Yan Zheng said, "why do you listen to your grandfather. He was born a bandit, a bandit, a bit uncivilized. You should learn from your mother, gentle and affectionate, lovely and kind. Girls should be dignified, dignified. Have you fed your modesty to the dog? "

Han Ling looked at his uncle suspiciously: "but my sisters also said that men and women are equal. We can do what men can do."

Yan Zheng clapped his hand on the back of his head, pointed to Han Ling and said, "it's over. It's over. You've fallen into the den of thieves. You've ruined your life. "

Han Ling was unconvinced and hummed: "hum!" Then he went on with his back to the outside.

Hanbao and Susu are worried that Daddy can't persuade mummy, so they rush back to persuade mummy. I never thought that when I arrived at the gate of aiyuebao, I saw my sister coming out with a small hand on her back and a face of indignation.

"What's wrong with my Ling Ling?" Hanbao ran up, took his sister into his arms, and then turned around a few times.

When he put Hanling on the ground, Hanling raised a depressed face: his hair was messy, and there were several nail marks on his face.

"Are you fighting again?" Always ask.

"Well. I had a fight with Feng Zheng. " Han Ling nodded. A look of pride.

Han Bao held his sister's face and said with heartache: "that smelly boy beat you like this?"

Han Ling said: "I beat him even worse. He cried

Zhan Su said: "that boy will cry whether he is miserable or not. And you don't cry whether it hurts or not. "

Han Ling said, "I'm a big man. I don't cry."

Han Bao and Su Su look at each other.

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