Yu Sheng's body trembled violently, and I didn't know whether it was fear or anger.

The servant continued: "my wife also said that I hope you will end up with no one to see you off."

Yu Sheng's face is blue and white

This must be how big hate, just let her to him so absolutely ruthless.

The old man attached great importance to the inheritance of the incense of the descendants of the Yu family. When he heard this, he was furious.

"She... She... Can't curse her own son even if she hates the Yu family? Why is she so cruel and vicious? "

Yu Chengqian said: "grandfather, it's not my mother who is cruel and vicious. It's your family. My mother has only one wish in her life, to marry someone, live and die with him, and grow old with her son. When my father married her, he forgot his promise to my mother. She moved into the ancestral hall in anger

When Yu Chengqian talked about his parents' love, his eyes were as dark as a dark tan, and there was no light in them.

He added: "if my father cherished my mother, he shouldn't be entangled with those women all his life. To death, my mother finally for me and Chenchen, forgive you. But you have made Xiuhe his wife. How ridiculous it was for my mother to fight all her life. She hated those women who robbed her husband and wife and those concubines, but she never dreamed that she would be demoted as a concubine by her favorite man in the end. Can she not hate it? "

Yu Sheng felt guilty: "I didn't think so much at that time. I just sympathized with Xiuhe..."

"Well, you don't just sympathize with Xiuhe, you have feelings for Xiuhe. You keep saying you love my mother, but you don't love her as much as you think. Because you've always been cool with her. I'm not worth it for my mother. What she is looking for is the love of one person and one couple, but unfortunately she met the love swindler

Yu Sheng faltered.

This is the first time that Yu Chengqian has ever had a heart dissection. It turns out that he also resents Yu Sheng.

Yu Chengqian breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he turned to master Yu and said, "I've made up my mind. I'll go to the holy land to find the blood lotus with master Zhan."

This despondent look, clearly want to escape a chicken feather at home.

Not long after that, Zheng Ling came out with a gloomy look.

Zhan hanjue stood up immediately.

Zheng Ling went straight to Yu Sheng and said, "when my uncle helped Xiuhe to be his wife, did you ever think about the identity of aunt Qing?"

Yu Sheng felt guilty: "I really didn't think so much at that time."

"Aunt Qing will never be a concubine. Do you know that?" Zheng Ling's voice is gentle, but it contains endless sadness.

Yu Sheng nodded.

When he thought about it, he felt that it was really inappropriate to bury Xiuhe. But he's a man. Men have rough nerves. Although he felt that he had done something wrong, he didn't want Mrs. Yu to make trouble with him like this.

Probably at the moment, he didn't realize that this should be the last time for Mrs. Yu and his marriage to come to an end.

Zheng Ling said: "since Xiuhe is a wife, aunt Qing doesn't want to be a concubine. Uncle, how can this be solved? "

Yu Sheng was stunned.

Yes, how to solve this problem.

"Madame must be my wife. Please let her relax." Yu Sheng Road.

Zheng Ling said, "is uncle going to tear down Xiuhe's tombstone and carve it again?"

"It's disrespectful to the dead." Yu Sheng quickly waved his hand and refused.

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