But how did he know that it was Xiuhe's death that made Mrs. Yu angry. Xiuhe is immortal. She can fight for a while. Now that she is dead, she becomes Yu Sheng's wife. What is her wife?

Are you a concubine?

Mrs. Yu is so proud and charming that she can only allow Yu Sheng to marry a wife. How can a woman who can't even accept a concubine tolerate being a concubine in the end?

At this moment, Mrs. Yu's room.

Zheng Ling sits beside the bed and gently pulls down the quilt. Then Mrs. Yu's face comes out again.

Zheng Ling said: "aunt Qing, you have anger, hatred and resentment in your heart. What do you torture yourself to do? You're going to torture that heartbreaker. "

Mrs. Yu stared at Zheng Ling and said, "Zheng Ling, your aunt Qing hates concubines most all her life. I didn't expect that I would become his concubine in the end. I don't want to

Mrs. Yu beat her chest and tears rolled down.

Zheng Ling heartache her, tightly grasp her hand. Astringent call a voice: "green aunt, I know you in the heart bitter.". But if you think about it, who caused the pain? It's my uncle. Don't torture yourself. Get up, eat enough, fight with him, make trouble with him, and make him uneasy. "

Zheng Ling's original intention is just to hope that Mrs. Yu can get out of the situation of self imposed hunger strike. But she didn't expect that her guidance saved Mrs. Yu, but at last made Yu's village restless.

Mrs. Yu thought about it and said angrily, "I'm tired of seeing him now. I don't want to see him, I don't want to hear his voice, and I don't want to live under the same sky with him."

"Zheng Ling said:" or I'll send you to Yan's house and take your grandson Chenchen. How about that? "

Mrs. Yu growled: "that's not their family. In a bandit's nest like the rest of their families, they should have no children or grandchildren. "

She was so angry that she could not choose what to say.

"I just hope that Yu Sheng will come to an end."


Zhan hanjue accompanied Mr. Yu's family and surrounded the sofa, but all of them were gloomy and gloomy.

Only Yu Chengqian, leisurely taste tea, as if nothing happened.

Yu Sheng rebuked him: "Chengqian, please go to comfort your mother. You're the only one who can hold her down

Yu Chengqian sneered: "hum. I don't go. My mom hates me now. I wish I were dead. "

Yu Sheng said angrily, "how can she wish you to die? You are her son born in October

Yu Chengqian gave him a white look, "you find a servant to inquire about my mother. You'll see. "

Worried about Mrs. Yu, Yu Sheng asked the servant to inquire about the situation.

Before long, the servant came back.

Yu Sheng can't wait to ask: "how is madam?"

"She sat up and was chatting with the baroness," the servant stammered

Yu Sheng eased his dignified expression“ That's good. "

Yu Chengqian sniffed and asked the servant, "what did my mother say?"

The servant looked at Yu Sheng timidly. I'm afraid to tell you.

Yu Sheng saw that there was a problem and roared: "you said it."

"Master, I dare not say," the servant said

"He said Yu Sheng is angry.

The servant had to tell the truth: "the lady said that she is annoyed to see you now. She also said that she doesn't want to see you, don't want to hear your voice, and don't want to live under the same sky with you."

Yu Sheng's body trembled violently.

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