Zheng Ling looked at the elder sister. She disappeared for a period of time. The elder sister became more intelligent and temperament, and it was as if she had been tempered. The original weak bone became hard.

"Elder sister, now you are more and more tough, I look happy for you."

Zheng Yu wry smile: "just for the mother is just."

When sisters meet again after a long separation, they naturally have to sit together for tea and chat.

The elder sister didn't see her brother-in-law or the Impatiens couple, so she asked curiously, "what about the others?"

Zheng Ling said: "brother Jue and Zheng Zheng, Chengqian will leave the capital. Now they're going to say goodbye to Grandpa. "

Zheng Yu's eyes turned red and asked, "when will they come back?"

Zheng Ling said: "no one knows where the divine realm is. Who knows when he'll be back? "

Zheng Yu's tears rolled down“ He and I, after all, are predestined

Zheng Ling said bitterly, "elder sister, if you still like him, give him another chance."

Zheng Yu shook his head: "all the time, it's my one-way rush. I'm tired."

"Well, this time, I'll run to you, OK?"

A warm, decadent voice suddenly rang.

Zheng Yu stands up excited, turns around and sees Yu Chengqian staggering towards her with a big bunch of bright roses in his hand.

There was no smile on his face.

His steps were heavy.

Yu Chengqian walked up to Zheng Yu and said, "if you are willing to accept a man like Fang zhicao as your husband, you might as well consider me. Although I may not be able to give you a unique love, but at least I can give your son a real father's love. "

Zheng Yu wept with joy.

"Chengqian, you finally understand." Zheng Yu took the rose and fondled the bright red roses.

A thorn in the palm of my hand

"Ah," Zheng Yu exclaimed.

Yu Chengqian pulled out the thorn for her and said, "be careful."

Zhengyu said excitedly: "Chengqian, in fact, my requirements for love are really not high. I know you can't love me with all your heart. In fact, I don't care how much you love me. As long as you are my husband, I hope you can give me a home to settle down. I'll be satisfied. "

Yu Chengqian's eyes are reddish.

His love was given to Zheng Ling, so Zheng Yu would not demand all his love.

This kind of Zhengyu is very sensible.

He said with a smile: "our union. Although it's not because of love, I can guarantee you a safe home. "

Zheng Ling buried his love. But he buried Zheng Yu's love.

"I'll try to be a good husband." Yu Chengqian said.


Chenchen asked Zhengling: "aunt Ling, will my father and mother not be separated again?"

Zheng Ling pinched Chen Chen's pretty face and said, "yes, Chen Chen, congratulations. You have a complete home. At home, there is a father and a mother who love you, and you will be the happiest child in the world. "

Chenchen jumped with joy“ Yeah, I have a home. I have a home

When it comes to home, Yu Chengqian looks ashamed.

"Sorry, Zheng Yu, I'm afraid I can't provide you with a house for the time being..."

Zheng Yu said with a smile: "I know, you have broken off the relationship with the Yu family. It doesn't matter. I have a house. "

How can Yu Chengqian live in a woman's house with peace of mind. His face became more embarrassed.

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