Yan Zheng glanced at Zhan hanjue, insinuated: "by what horse, cattle and sheep to paste a body."

Zheng Ling had absolutely believed in Zhan hanjue's resistance to beauty. However, when Yan Zheng mentioned Zhu Ma, Zheng Ling felt a lingering fear. She looked at him in fear

Zhan hanjue patted her head and said in a soft voice: "don't worry, there is a beautiful wife waiting for me. I won't miss the outside world."

Zheng Ling smiles.

Yan Zheng likes to play the opposite role with Zhan Ye. He teases: "if you are beautiful, you will become a yellow faced woman. Where can I compare with those 28 girls outside? "

"Zheng Zheng, what do you mean

Yan Zheng said, "Oh, immortal. I'm not talking about me. I said he was. If you look at your husband, when he is middle-aged, he feels greasy. Even if he has the heart, he doesn't have the chance. Which 28 girls will be blind and pounce on your husband. "

Then he began to fight against him without fear of death: "unlike someone, the more you live, the more charming you are, the more mature and wise you are. It's like an arsonist from 80 old women to 18 young girls. "

Zheng Ling looked at Zhan hanjue. He was really mature and charming in his early 40s. Every action is the steadiness of time. Eyebrows and eyes are the sharp edges and corners engraved by years.

I have to admit that Zhan Ye has become more and more powerful as he grows older.

Zhan hanjue's attention is obviously not on the node of Yan Zheng aiming at him. He looks at Zheng Ling happily and shows off: "with the moistening of love, of course, the younger he is."

This sentence offended Yan Zheng thoroughly.

"It's like someone else hasn't been nourished by love."

Zheng Ling looked at Zhan hanjue, who was handsome and precious, and said seriously, "don't like other people."

Zhan hanjue felt that it was necessary to take some time to cancel Zheng Ling's worries. He put down his chopsticks, measured his eyes and gazed at Zheng Ling. The beauty of Zheng Ling was radiant, and after becoming a mother, her eyebrows became more and more gentle. She is like a pearl. More and more shining.

"I really don't know why I should give up the woman who loves me the most in the world. Zheng Ling, in my heart, no one is more beautiful than you. Those young women will grow old one day? I believe that when anyone comes to your age, how can they match your intelligence? Your beauty? How generous are you? My heart is very small, a lifetime to install you are not enough, there is no place for others. Don't think about it

Zheng Ling was moved to tears“ Well

Yu Chengqian threw the chopsticks in his hand: "give me some dog food. I'm full. "

Yan Zheng patted him on the shoulder: "just get used to it. It happens every day. "

Zheng Yu said with a smile, "Chengqian, I'm different from them. I hope you can move your heart. If this girl can get you out of loneliness and make you live happily. I would be grateful to her

Yu Chengqian looked at the elder sister perplexedly: "Zheng Yu, don't you think I'm a Jinchan son who has gone down to earth for many years?"

Zheng Yu said astringently: "you are suffering in your heart. I know

Yu Chengqian was stunned

Every day he lives a bohemian life. Others think he is a carefree young master of Yu family. As we all know, from small to large, he has never been lonely without his parents' love.

The night is long and the dawn is coming.

The gate of Aiyue Castle slides slowly to both sides. Yan Zheng walked in front, followed by Yu Chengqian and Zhan hanjue. Three people facing the dawn of the morning, to go outside.

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