Zhan hanjue suddenly looked back, and his tears whirled: "Zheng Ling, take care."

Yan Zheng didn't like the sad atmosphere. He took Zhan hanjue forward. He gloated and said, "brother, let's go. I put something in their tea. They will stay up very late. You can't expect Zheng Ling to give you a present. "

At this time, the ghost with Boye Sakura came to Zhan hanjue and told him: "Zhan ye, everything is ready, let's go."


At noon, Zheng Ling slowly opened his eyes.

The sun shone into her eyes and she sat up. Looking at the clock on the wall, the hour hand has pointed to 11 noon. Zheng Ling touched the empty bed on the right side and sighed weakly.

Zhan hanjue is gone.

Did not say goodbye to her, secretly left.

This is good, so as not to be sad.

Just, Zheng Ling's heart, inexplicably become empty.

On the bedside table is a letter left to her by Zhan hanjue.

Zheng Ling picked it up and read:

"Sister Ling, I'm gone. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. When I come back, I will bring home my precious daughter I miss day and night. You should take good care of yourself. I hope to see you healthy and happy when I come back. Finally, kiss my sister goodbye. "

Zheng Ling's tears rustle down.

For nothing else, it's because Zhan Ye mentioned her daughter, Tong Bao, whom she cared about day and night.

For two and a half years, Tong Bao did not contact them. Although Zhan Ye entrusts Tong Bao to grandma Boye, who is a trusted relative, but after all, mother and son are connected. Zheng Ling is suffering when she thinks of Tong Bao.

Zhan hanjue gave her such a promise, which gave Zhengling a glimmer of hope and light.

Zheng Ling has expectations.

Dihuan experimental middle school.

Hanbao and her sisters are facing a tense problem of entering a higher school. Because there is a gap in each child's performance, it is inevitable that there will be a gap in the future for the filling of college entrance examination volunteers.

But the sisters don't want to separate at all. The good ones are lax. The bad ones study hard. It seems that everyone has reached a tacit agreement: they want to test in the same university.

Even Hanbao thought so.

Until Zhan Su reminded them: "Daddy's gone, and there's no news from Tong Bao. Mommy has a lot on her mind every day. So I hope each of you will make a final dash, study hard and repay Mommy with your best results. Make her happy. "

Hanbao and her sisters cancelled their previous tiredness thoughts and rushed to the college entrance examination one by one with the determination to hang their heads and stab their shares.

At the same time, Jiaozhou's Tong Bao has undergone earth shaking changes.

After three years of hard work and some famous teachers, Tong Bao has made rapid progress in medicine.

However, in the past six months, Tong Bao found that what Mr. Boye taught her was becoming more and more mysterious. It seems to be quite different from traditional medical theory.

Tong Bao then asked Boye curiously: "Sir, I am a doctor, and doctors diagnose and treat diseases. Why did you let me learn how to make medicine? "

Boye said: "the medical skills of our Boye experts will always be at the forefront of the times. Naturally, the students of medical college will do the things you learn to cure and save people. What you need to learn is to solve the problems that other doctors can't solve. "

Tong baoran: "I know."

Boye threw her a bag of white powder and said, "go, this powder is a mixture of more than twenty kinds of medicinal materials. You separate them out for me. "

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