Boye took his hand and said with emotion: "when you told me that you were going to go out alone to look for medicinal materials, I knew that you were determined to learn from my mother, sacrifice yourself, and achieve Tongbao and me. But don't you know how I can survive if you leave? "

Grandfather hugged Boye and sighed“ Boye, you've been willful all your life. "

Boye said with a smile: "we have Tong Bao. She is better than me and braver than me. I have died without regret."

The master said, "it may not be death. Let's have a fight. "

Boye nodded: "well."

Grandfather reluctantly glanced at the pocket room. In the end, it was hard to give up Tong Bao. He went to Tong Bao and told him, "Bao, you're going to walk alone in the future. The village has been occupied by demons, we can't escape, so my husband and I decided to sacrifice ourselves. In this way, you have a chance to survive. You have to remember, out of this chamber, you must not reveal your true face. Otherwise, you're afraid you won't be able to go back home.

In addition, grandson, granddad knows that your future road will be as difficult as your husband's. Although my husband is unfortunate, I'm lucky that she has me with her. Grandfather hopes that you, too, can have this luck and find a man of indomitable spirit to escort your bumpy and extraordinary life. "

Tong Baodi sat down on the ground, crying bitterly. But the pocket chamber was made of special materials, and her voice was silenced and could not be transmitted at all.

She beat the wall excitedly and cried out: "grandma Zeng, grandfather Zeng, don't go. Don't go. Take Tong Bao with you. Please

The gate of the castle, after being closed for two years, finally slid open. Those evil demons with strange masks immediately burst in and surrounded Boye and grandfather.

Tong Bao looks at the invaders outside in horror through his fingernail sized eyes.

"Boye Ling, I've been chasing you for 80 years and finally found you."

An old man with crane hair, wearing a black wolf mask, came in with steady steps.

"Well, you can't escape this time."

Boye said with a fearless smile: "hum, if I don't open this door, you don't dare to rush in. isn't it? You are afraid of our Boye family. You only dare to stand one meter away to watch us. Hum

"Don't be mad. Now that we have come in today, you can't escape. " The old man greedily looked at the dense books, as well as the new and strange experimental equipment, "ha ha, this is your hometown. But I really don't understand. How can you suddenly come back to your hometown? "

A flash of confusion flashed across Boye's eyes. She was afraid that they would be aware of Tong Bao.

The old man held Boye's hand tightly and said, "what's so strange about this? The leaves fall back to their roots. I'm not in good health. I want to go back to my hometown to study the elixir of immortality. "

The old man obviously didn't believe him. He looked around warily and ordered his men, "go and search. I suspect they have a younger generation hiding here."

At this moment, Tong Baocai realized what kind of whirlpool he was in.

Those people searched everywhere for her existence. They wandered around in front of the pocketroom, but they didn't find the existence of the pocketroom.

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