She holds the ashes there, trying to identify the ashes of Boye and grandfather. But there was black dust everywhere in the ruins, and she couldn't tell who was who.

Tong Bao curled up on the ground, crying bitterly.

Finally, with a pair of slender and beautiful hands, she tried to pull the broken walls, trying to gather the nearby ashes together. She wanted to realize Mr. Boye's last wish and return to the divine realm with her and grandfather's ashes.

Tong Bao broke off a stone and suddenly found several colorful hard beads lying under it. Tong Bao is very surprised. She once saw in a book that some people will become sarikos after they die. However, this kind of phenomenon only occurs when the eminent monks become monks.

How can Boye and grandfather have sarikos?

Tong Bao also pursued so much, she quickly looked around, collected all the relics, and then prepared to leave.

But at this time, the distance suddenly came bursts of rapid footsteps.

Tong Bao quickly hid behind the broken wall. The sound of his footsteps was getting closer and closer. A group of people wearing monster masks came to the ruins.

One of the men, who was wearing a black wolf mask, raised his hand and said, "Boye is a very cunning woman. Her mother used such a cruel trick to deceive all of us and saved Boye. Today, Boye must be doing the same thing again. I heard that she has been staying in this castle for several years, and is very likely to be devoting herself to teaching the closed disciples' medical skills. You look for me seriously, this time we must not let the Boye pulse to escape

The man next to him said, "don't worry, master. All the people in this village have been dealt with by us. Even if Boye has apprentices, it's hard to fly. "

The black wolf man waved his hand to the man and said angrily, "not only people, but also living creatures should be arrested for me. The descendants of Boye must not be allowed to survive. "

Tong Bao's heart beat with fright. She had never experienced such a thrill on her own since she grew up. At this time, she can't help thinking, if ye Feng's brother is by her side.

Tong Bao looked at the demons. They were numerous, just like weeds invading the desert, which surrounded the whole village.

Tong Bao forces herself to calm down. She has to find a way to escape. We can't live up to the expectations of Boye and her grandfather.

Thinking about this, Tong Bao became brave.

She stealthily picked up the medicine box in her pocket and moved out step by step.

"There's a voice over there." Someone with sensitive ears suddenly heard Tongbao's almost negligible voice.

Tong Bao is on the run.


The others are catching up.

"Master, it's a little girl. It's beautiful. "

"She must be a descendant of Boye. Ha ha, this time, I'll see where you're going. Chase. Make sure you get her

The ruins are like a labyrinth, in which Tong Bao runs for his life. Fortunately, there are still some solid experimental equipment in the maze, and some surviving jars fall on the ground, and the powder inside is not all contaminated.

After thinking about it, Tong Bao had to use despicable means to deal with the devil. She ran for her life and collected powder. When she meets people who catch up with her, she attacks them with poison powder.

However, there are too many people chasing her. In desperation, Tong Bao gets into the pipe held by one person and climbs along the pipe.

"She got into the pipe. What should I do?"

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