The old woman said, "if you keep going north, you will enter the vast primeval forest. There is a divine realm in it. Many people have been looking for it, but so far no one has found them."

Zhan hanjue thanks the old woman and walks out of the unique room. I'm going to call on Yu Chengqian and set out immediately.

However, when they walked out of the room, they saw them lying on the ground, curled up one by one, pale and looking at him helplessly.

"Cousin, we are poisoned."

Yu Chengqian trembled and pointed to the little girl: "this little girl harbors evil intentions. There is something wrong with the food she just gave us."

"Why do you want to do this?" he said

The old woman lifted the curtain of the door and came out with a overcast face and said, "I asked her to do this."

"Why do you want to harm us?" he said angrily

The old woman came to Zhan hanjue, looked at him with a cold look, and said: "you are so beautiful, you must be the prince of the imperial capital, right?"

Zhan hanjue narrowed his eyes and said, "are you from Shan Yun?"

The old woman chuckled: "you are very smart."

Zhan hanjue was puzzled. They had just arrived at anechoic town and had never met their grandparents. But the grandparents and grandchildren were so quick to attack them, and they didn't confirm their identities at all.

Is that not reasonable?

"How do you know I'm Lord Chan?"

The old lady looked at Zhan hanjue, and her old eyes were full of cunning wisdom“ Zhan ye, aren't you very smart? Guess what? "

"Why don't you do it to me?" he asked

The old woman glared at her little granddaughter angrily: "why?"

The girl laughed shyly: "Zuzu. I like him. Will you give him to me? "

Zhan hanjue's silly eyes.

Yan Zheng is life into Gao Huang, do not forget to fight with the war lord, he envies jealousy hate way: "originally good-looking can also prolong life."

Zhan hanjue glared at him: "shut your mouth."

At the moment, his mind is very confused. He always thinks that the danger this time is more like a premeditation.

For the granddaughter's request, the old woman strongly refused: "no, you can't conquer him."

But the little girl raised her head defiantly and vowed, "Zuzu, you believe me, I will make him obedient to me."

The old woman looked at him again. She was amazed by his appearance. At last, she relaxed and said, "I allow you to have a baby with him. Then he has to die. "

The little girl clapped her hands and said, "thank you, Zuzu."

Isn't Zhan hanjue the one who was slaughtered by others? He said that sooner or later, he threw out two flying stones. The grandparents and grandchildren immediately fell to the ground.

When the old woman reached out to spread poison, Zhan hanjue kicked up the rope on the ground. He was quick and agile, and tied the two together.

The old woman laughed: "you tied me up, master Zhan. Who will detoxify your companion?"

Zhan hanjue sat on the stool beside him, looking at the miserable Yu Chengqian, and said, "it's better if they are poisoned. No one will argue with me every day. I'm so happy. "

The old lady didn't expect that her hostages were invalid. His face is a little broken.

But Yan Zheng was angry and scolded: "you are too ruthless, surname Zhan. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. When it comes to disaster, you should fly separately. Why didn't I find out before? "

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