Zhan hanjue walked up to Yan Zheng, kicked him and said, "I've endured you for a long time. It used to be because I had to take into account the feelings of Zheng Ling. Now that she's not around, I'll do what I want to do to you. "

Yan Zheng stared: "are you serious?"

Zhan hanjue kicked Yu Chengqian again and said angrily, "and you dare to covet my daughter-in-law. Let you all die here today. I'll have a good rest. "

Yu Chengqian's handsome pupil looks at Zhan hanjue suspiciously. He knows that Zhan hanjue suddenly turns against them for a reason. But he couldn't figure out why Zhan ye did it.

After venting his anger, Zhan hanjue left with something important.

Yan Zhengchong's back scolded: "you're not a man, surnamed Zhan. How can you abandon your companions? "

Yu Chengqian has been thinking. When Zhan hanjue kicked him, he gave him a meaningful look.

What does that look like?

When Yu Chengqian understands it, he suddenly follows Yan Zheng to scold Zhan Ye.

"Zhan hanjue, please leave the package. There are things we need in it. You bastard, you'd better not let me catch you. Or I'll tear you to pieces. "

Yu Chengqian was so angry that he stood up with strong willpower. But soon he fell down again.

The old woman said, "young man, don't move. You're poisoned by me. You can't move for three days. If you move, your internal organs will rot slowly. "

Yan Zheng asked: "is that that we don't eat, don't drink and can't move, three days later the toxicity will be solved by ourselves?"

The old woman sneered: "you think too naive. This poison needs first-class doctors to solve. If there is no miracle doctor to save you in three days, you can only wait for God to accept you. "

"Since you've done the poison, you should have an antidote, right?"

The old woman said, "in this vein, we can only use poison, not save people."

Yan Zheng exclaimed, "where can we find a miracle doctor?"

The old woman snorted coldly: "there is no miracle doctor in silencing town. It takes six or seven days to get out of silencing town. So, you're dead. "

Yan Zheng roared hysterically: "lying trough, you old woman with black heart and black lung. You've killed us. I'll turn you into a devil. "

Yu Chengqian said, "don't worry. She's tied up. She'll end up like us in three days. They're going to die of hunger. "

Yu Chengqian was right. The forest was so big that doctors seldom walked around. The old woman and her little granddaughter were tied up. No one came to save them for three or thirty days.

Yan Zheng suddenly burst out laughing, he tried to get up, staggering to the old woman, showing off: "now, do you really want to ask me, ask me to let you go?"

The old woman said, "if you let me go, I have a way to live for you."

Yu Chengqian said, "don't believe her. It's the same to die sooner or later. When you untie her, we can't get revenge. Do you want to die? "

Yan Zheng just wanted to live: "I don't want to die, let her give us life. At least we have a chance to survive. "

Yu Chengqian yelled at him: "she lied to you..."

The old woman said, "I didn't cheat you. I have a ready-made pill to prolong my life. It doesn't matter if I tell you. Anyway, you are poisoned and can't go that far. A mile away from my home, there is a spring. The spring is a natural elixir. You've solved it for me. I can go and fetch you water. "

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