Zhan Ye frowned: "14 years?"

Aiming at Qingge, he is about 15 years old now. In another 14 years, he will be a mature 30-year-old uncle.

These 14 years are the age when Qingge is in full bloom, and the age when men are in good luck.

Zhan hanjue asked suspiciously: "why 14 years?"

Qingge said with a smile: "wait for one person to return."

Zhan hanjue looked at the boy in front of him. Even though his smile was bright, it gave people a deep and unpredictable feeling.

Zhan hanjue looked at Tong Bao and said, "but she?"

Qingge shakes her head with a smile.

Zhan hanjue looked at Qingge as if he believed. His eyes were firm. Zhan hanjue said, "remember what you said today."

At the end of the speech, Han Jue walked away.

Qingge's clear eyes were looking at Zhan hanjue's straight back, and his eyes sank. There seems to be a slight stir in my eyes.

Zhan hanjue hid in the cave for several days, but they didn't know that the outside world had changed.

Zhan Su and Han Bao lead two teams into the divine realm. At the fork of the road, Zhan Su and Han Bao go their separate ways in order to find their father more quickly.

Hanbao and the sister flower of the military intelligence hall are soon attacked by bad people. After several years of moral education, the children of the military intelligence hall have become very self disciplined. When they don't move their fists, they try to solve the problem with their mouths.

But the other side is fierce, especially unreasonable. The sisters then turned to look at Hanbao one after another and asked in one voice: "Hanbao, do you want to fight or not?"

Han Bao hesitated and said with regret, "well, I knew earlier to ask Su Su. In this case, is it a matter of propriety before a soldier or a direct fight?"

At this time, the other side spoke ill and began to tease the sisters“ These girls are real. I haven't touched a woman for a long time. "

The sisters blushed and shook their fists in anger.

"Han Bao, fight or not!" They angrily asked.

Han Bao pointed to the man's nose and said, "if you want to touch women, you have to see if you can roar them. Come on, sisters. "

"Ha ha, just these young girls who can squeeze out water, where do we need so many hands. Well, I'll go alone. " The wretched man stood up.

Color Xi Xi's eyes keep to if River graceful body Piao, also rub hands a pair of can't wait appearance.

Ruoxi was so angry that he jumped out and said: "sisters, let me beat him all over the floor."

The man said with a smile: "let me touch it first." And then he pounced.

Ruoxi's quick action flashed, and the man threw himself in the air. When he turned back, Ruoxi kicked him with a shadowless foot.

The man flew forward, hit the tree trunk and screamed in pain.

"There are two sons." Other men came in.

The sisters are not vegetarians either. The soldiers come to block them and the water comes to cover them.

Hanbao, with a Dogtail in his mouth, lies down on a tree with a very low branch point. With arms resting on their heads, they are enjoying the group fight with composure.

The flowery sisters, at the moment, seem to be back to the military intelligence hall to do the task, the unrestrained sense of uninhibited let their blood boil.

Han Bao thinks that the moral education in recent years may not change the ferocity and hegemony of the sisters.

Seeing that the men were either broken hands or broken ribs, Hanbao couldn't bear to look directly at them. He reminded them: "elder sisters, don't be so heavy and be gentle. You are so fierce, how dare any man like you? "

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