Soon, several children showed signs of poisoning.

In particular, the symptoms of Hanbao are the most serious.

His face was pale, he was weak, vomiting and diarrhea. What makes Hanbao even more miserable is that there is no latrine around.

Han Bao covered his stomach and could hardly move.

His sisters were very worried about him. The third sister said, "Hanbao, why is your poisoning so serious?"

Although the sisters were poisoned and weak, they were able to walk with their tenacity.

Hanbao is stronger, but it is difficult to move, which worries her sisters.

Han Bao then covered his stomach and looked at the foggy sky bitterly and said, "I want to go to the toilet."

The sisters looked at each other. Thirteen younger sister pointed to the Bush and said, "Han Bao, you can find a place to solve the physiological problems first."

Han baomianlu was embarrassed: "here? Let me defecate like lower animals, I can't do it. "

Six elder sister way: "that I carry you to walk."

Han Bao came to his sixth sister, who took him by the hand and carried him on his back.

The fourth sister and the fifth sister are afraid that Hanbao will fall down from the sixth sister. They carefully support Hanbao all the way.

Thirteen younger sister ran to the front to explore the way.

I don't know how long she had been walking, but she suddenly turned back and said, "I see smoke curling in front of me. There must be people living there. Let's go ahead and borrow the toilet. "

Perhaps seeing the hope, the children are walking faster. When they wandered along the mountain trail, they did not know whether they were lucky or unfortunate. They ran into Qingge, who came out to hunt.

Qingge climbs up the high tree and takes out the bird's eggs.

Looking down at Hanbao, Qingge's face wrinkled.

Han Bao, who is almost an adult, is 1.8 meters tall, but lies on the back of a petite girl. The key is that the girl, who is as beautiful as a flower, can't carry the boy clearly, but she just sticks to it by biting her teeth.

Qingge flies down from the tree. The sisters are on guard when they see Qingge.

"Who are you?"

Qingge holds her arms and looks at several girls with fierce eyes“ Are you strangers Qingge asked.

Han Bao Yu suddenly said, "get out of the way. Don't delay my big business

Qingge slightly Leng way: "imperial accent?"

Then he straightened up his posture and said, "are you from the imperial capital?"

"So what?" Han Bao asked fiercely.

"Is there any of you named Zhan?" Qingge asked excitedly.

"We are all fighting." The third sister said.

Qingge's dark as a star's pupil instantly blooms a brilliant splendor. His eyes softened and swept every girl's face. Seems not to see the memory of that face, Qingge eyes diffuse a loss.

"Listen to your accent, you are not from the divine realm. Who are you? " It's Hanbao's turn to interrogate Qingge.

Qingge said with a smile, "my name is Qingge. I think you should know the emperor. Lord Zhan is in the cave ahead. Let me take you there. "

The sisters are not very trusting. They looked at each other and couldn't make up their minds.

After all, this kind of good thing, which is hard to find and easy to get, often lurks disaster.

Hanbao has only one belief in his mind: "go to the toilet."

So he urged the sisters, "come with him."

The third sister looked at Hanbao suspiciously: "Hanbao, do you believe him so?"

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