"Although our Boye family came from the same clan, later in order to fight for the family property, several people made a lot of trouble. In particular, Da Fang got the medical skills of Bo Ye, and became a thorn in the flesh of others. In order to force Dafang to hand over the secret skill, the other rooms will contact to deal with Dafang. However, at other times, other people are not allowed to live together. " Men are very honest.

Han Bao seemed to hear a fable: "you Boye family fight for their property. If you don't recognize each other, it's not as good as a bird. "

The man said, "that's my grandfather's business. We little ones don't know the grudges between their elders. We only know that the old ones are seriously biased. They love the big room too much, which makes the other rooms feel cold. "

Han Bao pouted: "that can't be an excuse for their fraternity."

Hanbao interrogates for a long time and talks about everything. At the last moment, I thought of business“ I ask you, "where is the master of war?"

The man said, "they took the patients and were chased all the way by our people. It's been raining continuously these days, and they haven't come out of the cave in the old forest. "

Han Bao glanced at the lush forest in front of him. He was very happy to see his father soon.

"Let's go now," he said to the other sisters

The man in the heart is making a wishful thinking, if they follow Hanbao, maybe they can catch the cunning Zhan hanjue.

So he pretended to be kind enough to remind him: "there are many exotic flowers and plants in our mountain that are highly toxic. If you don't have top-notch doctors, you will be poisoned and die if you can't get to the deep mountains and forests. Why don't you take us with you? We can help you get rid of poisonous weeds. "

Han Bao looked at the man cleverly and said, "put your guts away. Do you want to follow us to find Zhan ye? Do you think I'm stupid? "

The man didn't think that although Hanbao was young, he didn't have a serious appearance. I didn't expect that the crucial moment was not ambiguous.

The sisters had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and the third sister Hua Ling hit the nail on the head and said, "if you've been there for a long time, it's a matter of one sentence to interrogate them. It's Hanbao's turn to nag. It's almost dark, and there's no key point for interrogation. That's the difference between autism and chattering

Cold treasure Yu suddenly stares at three elder sisters: "three elder sisters, your words don't hurt me much, insult is very strong. Well, you should question yourself. "

The third sister tugged Hanbao's hand: "what else are you interrogating. You've dug up all the gossip about his ancestors. Let's go

Han Bao thought about it and turned back: "I suddenly remembered that I had something important I didn't ask him."

The third sister really thought that Hanbao had something important, so she let him go. Han Bao went up to the man and asked him, "which sister do you think is more beautiful and gentle?"

The man's eyes fell on six elder sister Ruoxi.

"Hanbao." The elder sisters waved their fists and went to Hanbao.

Hanbao scurrying.

"Sister, I will marry you out one by one. I'll be at ease for the rest of my life if you find your husband

"We are still young."

"Compared with mommy's love time, you are older leftover girls."

"Hanbao, you are good or bad."

A group of children's songs and laughter echoed in the valley.

The man's reminder is not wrong, Hanbao they frolic in the forest, contact with a lot of poisonous exotic flowers and plants.

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