Yan Zheng clenched his fist and roared at Zhan ye: "Zhan hanjue, you're enough. How old are you? Don't you know? As a married man, you should keep a distance from all heterosexual creatures. What do you mean by your gallantry to snow fairy? "

Zhan hanjue was not angry: "your mind is dirty, and you will spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I won't tell you. Now, everyone will go to find snow fairy for me. "

"That woman is old enough to be your mother. We all call her mother-in-law, but you call her snow fairy. You said you didn't mean anything to her, and you didn't believe it? " Yan Zheng yelled.

Han Bao sat beside him in a lonely way, with a overcast face. Obviously, I'm also dissatisfied with Daddy.

At this time, Ruoxi ran out of the cave with a bundle in his hand. He handed it to Zhan hanjue: "Daddy, this is what mother-in-law Xuexian left you."

Zhan hanjue took over and hesitated to open it.

Yan Zheng chirped: "open it. It can't be anything shady. "

Zhan hanjue glared at him. To prove his innocence, he had to open the burden in public.

Inside are bags of herbs specially reserved for Guan Xiaohe. Tong Bao also left a letter with the usage of herbs on it.

Zhan hanjue saw that the handwriting of the letter was beautiful and neat. It was Tong Bao's handwriting.

He folded up the letter and carefully kept it in his pocket.

Yan Zheng said angrily, "Hello, Zhan hanjue, can you show us the letter?"

Zhan hanjue ignored him.

Yan Zheng insinuated: "are you guilty of being a thief? I knew you had a problem with her. Don't you admit it? "

However, no matter how Yan Zheng insulted him, he ignored him.

It's not that he doesn't want to remove the misunderstanding. After all, he can recognize his baby daughter by removing the misunderstanding. Protect her with dignity.

However, during this period of time, he has been thinking about the reasons for Tong Bao's aging, and then wisely came to the conclusion that aging is very rare, and there are no aging patients in Zhan Yan's family. Tong Bao's chance of getting senile is very small.

And Boye was hunted down. As the only descendant of Boye, if Tong Bao's real identity is revealed, he may be as restless as Boye all his life.

And Tong Bao's aging is the best way to change face.

So Zhan hanjue will guard the secret of Tong Bao carefully.

Hanbao turned silently and went into the cave.

Yan Zheng said, "your son can't look down on what you've done. Zhan hanjue, you don't know how to repent. "

Zhan hanjue is speechless.

At the same time, Tong Bao and Qingge trudge in the jungle. Tong Bao leaves his father and brother, feeling very dejected.

Qingge kept comforting her: "don't be sad. I'll see you again when I have a chance."

Tong Bao suddenly remembered his father's affectionate message to her and said, "Qingge, I want to study the way to relieve senility. Can you help me? "

Qingge stops and looks at Tongbao: "you say, I will help you."

"I need some experimental instruments," Tong said

Qingge thought, "that's not easy. Let's borrow these local doctors' laboratories."

Tong Bao's eyes widened in amazement: "they will kill us."

Qingge said: "you are silly. We sneak into their territory and live near them. When they fall asleep at night, we'll go in and do the experiment

Tong Bao timidly covered his neck: "it sounds like an adventure."

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