Tong Bao teased Qingge and said, "after we leave the divine realm, my mother-in-law will introduce you to your girlfriend."

This is the tone of ridicule, but I do not know why suddenly become very solemn. Then the topic changed: "Qingge, I don't know how long I can live. If I die, I'm not sure about you. You are still so young, no father, no mother, lonely and helpless. I thought, "I have to help you make a living."

Qingge said, "don't talk nonsense. You'll live a long time. A good doctor like you is a national treasure. I will take good care of you. "

Tong Bao suddenly became depressed, and his voice said: "Lord Zhan asked me to study how to relieve this aging disease. But I really don't have a clue. I'm really afraid that on the day I die of old age, I haven't worked out an antidote. "

Qingge is a kind of action faction who can solve problems. For Tong Bao's pessimism, Qingge comforts him: "don't worry. In the evening, I'll help you find the lab

After a pause, a spark flashed in Qingge's eyes. I don't know whether it's to encourage Tong Bao to live or to follow his inner thoughts. Suddenly said: "I can wait for you to introduce my wife."

Tong Bao looks at Qingge and looks at his half hung child. He doesn't look shy when he talks about his wife. Tong Bao joked: "you are not ashamed."

Qingge said, "it's natural for men to love women. What is there to be shy about? "

After thinking about it, Tong Bao's eyes suddenly burst out with a touch of starlight. He asked excitedly: "the good girl in the world, in my opinion, must be the daughter of the warring family, the most suitable wife. The warring family is a rich family, and the warring master and his wife are loving partners. Naturally, the children taught by them are all passionate. Qingge, you've seen so much money from the Warring States. Tell me, have you ever seen the right eye? "

In Qingge's mind, every face of the sisters in the hall of military intelligence flashed over, and she twisted her eyebrows and asked, "is there any other gold in the family of war?"

Tong Bao said with a smile, "yes, yes. But it was a child. You, there's no hope. "

Qingge's eyes were shining, but she was very excited and said, "how old is she?"

Tong Baodao: "four years old."

Qingge eyes with smile, cold face seems to be covered by the scorching sun. Become gentle.

"It's really small." Qingge is insincere.

The two chatted so much that they forgot the sound of fighting outside. When they recovered, they found that the sound of fighting had disappeared.

Tong Bao stands up and looks around. Where is Ye Feng Zhan Su?

Qingge saw her down and out of spirits and said, "if you don't want to leave him, go after him?"

Tong Bao stamped his foot on Qingge's hoof, and Qingge cried with her foot in her arms“ You are too cruel. "

Tong Bao pointed to his nose and asked him, "look at me, my face is changing every day, getting old day after day. You want me to pursue love? You don't want face, I want face. "

But Qingge said, "alas. You said it yourself, you are old, and there may not be many days left in the future. Since you like him, you must hope to spend the last time with him. He doesn't recognize you. You are like appearing in front of Zhan Ye. You keep a comfortable distance. I can see him every day, but I won't be hurt by his indifference. Isn't that good? "

Tong Bao is in a state of confusion.

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