After seeing Ye Feng, Tong Bao's dead heart fluctuates again. Many years ago, the memory sealed in the bottom of my heart, like a hole, and all poured out.

I still remember that when she was eight years old, daddy was forced to break up with mommy by the end of the world, and sent her two elder brothers away and entrusted her to Ye Feng's elder brother

Ye Feng's brother fought against the heroes alone, and rescued her from the hands of the doomsday. She was wounded and dying. Even in the hospital, when fighting with death, his hand never gave up on her.

In those years, mommy was in poor health. Ye Feng's brother, father and brother, takes good care of her.

At that time, although she was young, love sprouted in ignorance. At that time, she vowed to marry Ye Feng in her life.

But Ye Feng's elder brother can't be transformed from the role of father and elder brother, and can't accept her feelings.

At that time, Tong Bao thought that when she grew up and became a young girl, Ye Feng's brother would be moved by her loyalty.

But who knows that things are unpredictable.

Tong Bao held out his hand and looked at his wrinkled and flabby hands, with tears in his eyes.

Tong Bao tells Qingge: "I don't want to see him, but I know that meeting him will only cause trouble. On the one hand, he won't love me; on the other hand, I hope Tong Bao in his heart always looks like in the mood for love.

Qingge looked at the cloudy sky and said, "I know that if people who love each other can't be together, it will be a great pity."

Tong Bao stands up and seems determined not to meet Ye Feng. Keng ran decided: "let's go."

Qingge took his hand and walked forward.

However, just after a roundabout journey, I suddenly saw a group of people sitting in the hinterland of the mountain.

Qingge said with a smile: "mother-in-law, your fate with him is not finished."

Tong Bao takes a close look and discovers that it's his brother Zhan Su and ghost tiantuan.

It turns out that when Zhan Su and ghost heaven regiment fought with the enemy just now, although they were fierce, they washed the troops with blood. But no one else is a master of using poison. After they have gone for a long time, they are very weak.

Zhan Su ordered him to rest.

I wanted the doctors to check the poison seeds for them, but they didn't know that the poison seeds were rare, and the doctors couldn't do anything about it.

At this time, Zhan Su and Ye Feng were not able to help the heaven and the earth.

Qingge joked: "grandma, they seem to be poisoned. You won't stand by, will you

But Tong Bao said: "Qingge, you go to diagnose them. If you are sure of the detoxification seeds, you detoxify them. If you are not sure about the poison, you will tell me the conclusion and I will teach you to understand it. "

It's determined not to show up.

Qingge is very sorry for Tong Bao's decision. She smacks her lips and says, "the most regretful thing in the world is this. The person I love most is around, but I can't go out to see him."

"Go, go," said Tong

Qingge jumped out of the green bush and swaggered to the hinterland.

Zhan Su, seeing Qingge, was wary of the child. After all, Qingge doesn't speak. They can only regard him as a local who is good at using poison.

"Poisoned?" Qingge approaches Zhan su.

Zhan Su nodded.

Qingge said, "I think maybe I can help you."

Zhan Su said: "I want to know, are you a doctor or a poison?"

Qingge glanced at Tong Bao hiding in the Bush and said: "it can detoxify all kinds of poisons, but it's a real doctor."

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