Qingge and Tongbao have lived side by side for a long time. Qingge respects Tongbao for his boundless love and help the world.

He is not a simple teenager. There are many gray memories in his mind, so most of his understanding of human nature is a delicate egoist.

But Tong Bao is different. Although she is young, her weak and old body is wrapped with a tough and stubborn heart. In the face of his teacher's dying entrustment, Tong Bao is not afraid of the enemy's pursuit. He trudges through mountains and comes to the realm of God.

In the face of those poor patients, Tong Bao can ignore the interests. Selfless dedication of her superb skills, and even no return of charity herbs to patients.

So when Zhan Su asked him whether he was a doctor or poisoned, Qingge knew that it was Zhan Su's torture of his soul. What Zhan Su wanted to know was whether Qingge was evil or not.

Qingge is not easy to answer.

Because he used to be a vicious person, decisive in killing and bloodthirsty for a living. But when he was with Tong Bao, he abandoned the killing and began to save the world.

After a moment's thinking, Qingge gives Zhan Su a positive answer.

He knows poison, but he also practices medicine.

Just like his state of mind at the moment, he is drifting peacefully on the edge of good and evil. He longed for someone to redeem her, but he thought ambitiously about going back to the past and ending all those enmities.

Zhan Su smiles, reaches out his hand and says, "thank you."

Qingge is slightly stunned. Zhan Su's trust in him surprised him.

He heard that all the men in the Zhan family were black bellied squid. At the first sight of him, Zhan hanjue realized his unusual identity, so he tried him out again and again.

And Han Bao, taking the opportunity to challenge him, uses the moves created by Han Bao himself. The moves are vicious, yin and spicy, in order to force him out of his true colors.

Thinking of Hanbao, Qingge has to marvel at the child's talent for martial arts. Because Qingge is not as outstanding as Hanbao at his age.

And Zhan Su, but somehow trusted him

The attitude of the three men in the warring family towards him, the query of Zhan ye, the hostility of Han Bao and the friendship of Zhan Su make Qingge not know how to deal with it.

Qingge can only go one step at a time.

He learned from Tong Bao and felt for Zhan su. Then he pretended to be deep and said, "this poison has an antidote. It's just that I don't have enough herbs at the moment. Just a moment. I have to pick some herbs for you. "

With that, Qingge comes to Tongbao's hiding place.

"Grandma, the poisoned person's lips are black and his whole body is weak. The pulse is shallow and weak. It's very similar to the poison we had in the poison mother-in-law before. " Qinggehui report.

Tong Bao is anxious: "this can be troublesome."

Qingge asked: "what's the trouble?"

Tong Baodao said: "this poison is beneficial to acupuncture and moxibustion."

Tong Bao doesn't want to go out to face Ye Feng. He looks at Qingge.

Qingge said, "don't make up my mind. This acupuncture is not for fun. The wrong place will kill people. "

Tong Bao was at a loss.

Qingge said, "grandma, they are all your friends and relatives. You must be reluctant to let them have an accident. In my opinion, you might as well detoxify them yourself. "

Tong Bao was so anxious that he turned around: "it doesn't matter to other people. It's just my elder brother Zhan su. He's an individual. I'm afraid he'll recognize me. "

Qingge said: "he and your father, who is smart?"

"I'm afraid each has its own merits," said Tong

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