Qingge said, "all the men of your strategists are modest gentlemen. Zhan Su won't stare at a lady's face for so long. If you make up a little, he won't recognize you. "

Tong Bao said: "you are right. I can't see the girl's face any more. It's just that these eyes vaguely show the look of my childhood. If I put on a little eye makeup, they won't recognize me. "

As he said this, Tong Bao took out some colored powder from the bag. Using them for angiography, Tong Bao quickly covered the original eye contour.

Qingge said, "you are just turning decay into magic. So they won't recognize you. "

Tong Bao was overjoyed, as if wearing a mask to hide her identity. Tong Bao is no longer Tong Bao. She boldly went to fight them.

Far away, Zhan Su saw Qingge holding an old woman to come. Handsome Eagle pupil sink sink, she pushed next to the leaf maple, way: "you see that old woman?"

Ye Feng also followed Zhan Su's eyes, but saw a mother-in-law with pale hair, limping and bent back.

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and cautioned: "at this age, I can't even walk on the road. I'm sure I can't climb such a high mountain. This mother-in-law must be a local. "

Zhan Su nodded“ The local people here are hostile to us. You should be on your guard. "


At this time, Qingge and Tongbao are already in front of Zhan su. Tong Bao's guilty and twinkling eyes move from Zhan Su to Ye Feng. His familiar face makes his heart beat fast.

Qingge took the initiative to introduce: "this is my mother-in-law. Her name is Xuexian."

Zhan Su feels confused. Listening to the accent of Qingge, he is clearly not from Shenyu. This mother-in-law is not supposed to be a local, but how did she trek to such a high mountain?

Ye Feng said, "is Xuexian's mother-in-law a local?"

Tong Bao began to cough.

Ye Feng brother called her mother-in-law, this generation difference, almost instantly destroyed her fantasy of Qingge.

"I'm not a local."

"How did Xuexian mother-in-law climb up such a high altitude?" Ye Feng asked.

Tong Bao is dumb. And then very sincerely told Ye Feng: "of course, with both feet to climb up ah. Of course, occasionally encounter steep places, will also help with their hands

Ye Feng is a fool.

Tong Bao's frankness doesn't seem to match her age. On the contrary, she looks like a girl in February and August, with innocence and simplicity.

Qingge helps Tong Bao out: "my mother-in-law is here to detoxify you. If you doubt her ability, I don't think you need to help."

Ye Feng fixed looking at Tong Bao, Tong Bao's eyes twinkle, fundus of the heart overflow.

Ye Feng hook lip a smile way: "that trouble mother-in-law first for me detoxification."

A heroic look of bravery to die.

Tong Bao walks slowly to Qingge. She is very nervous. Because Yefeng Falcon's eyes are locked on her face. I'm very defensive.

Tong Bao reaches out his hand and gently picks up Ye Feng's hand to feel his pulse.

Ye Feng is staring at her, as long as the expression of Tong Bao has subtle changes, Ye Feng will be preemptive.

Under his direct vision, Tong Bao became nervous.

"The toxin in the body is still on the epidermis, so it can be injected."

When Tong Bao finished, Qingge handed her a silver needle.

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