Ye Feng's wary eyes moved from her face to the silver needle. Tongbao's needling site is very different from other common Acupoint Moxibustion methods. As soon as her needle penetrates into Ye Feng's epidermis, Ye Feng shakes it out.

"What are you doing?" Tong Bao stares at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sneered coldly: "where is the acupuncture point?"

Tong Bao is not happy.

"So you are worried that I will harm you? Don't worry, I won't hurt you. How can I be willing to hurt you... "

Seeing Ye Feng and Su Su's surprised eyes, Tong Baofang feels that he has said something wrong. Hastily added a word way: "people."

Then he added, "I'm a doctor. It's my bounden duty to protect patients."

Ye Feng did not believe her, said: "I see your eyes flashing, a guilty look, must not be a good person."

Tong Bao

Qingge can't help laughing.

Tong Bao opened his mouth wide in amazement. It took him a long time to recover.

She's very stubborn.

She is the one who loves him most in the world. Was he misunderstood as such?

"You young man, old woman, I'm kind enough to see a doctor for you, but you're kind enough to be a gentleman." Tongbao mouth said dislike words, but the action did not dislike Ye Feng.

The pulse of a long time, almost the maple leaf's physical condition to do the most detailed understanding“ Eh, you are depressed. Young man, what's on your mind

Ye Feng pulled out his hand, and a touch of guilty flashed across his face.

Tong Bao treats people with his own way“ Your eyes are twinkling. Is it true that you are guilty? "

Ye Feng glared at her viciously: "do doctors like to use their profession to pry into other people's secrets?"

Tong Bao in the end innocent, dull asked: "what secret do you have?"

Ye Feng's secret is that he missed a little girl in the past three years.

But he can't say, after all, the person who pushed her away was himself. Now the people who regret not to fall are themselves.

While he was not paying attention, Tong Bao suddenly stabbed a silver needle into his acupoint like lightning.

Wait for Ye Feng to come back and stand up in a hurry.

"You take it out for me?"

On the contrary, the venom in the body spurted out.

"That's good," said Tong

Ye Feng suddenly feels refreshed.

Looking at Tong Bao in doubt, he couldn't believe: "is this the solution of the poison?"

He thought it would take medicine day after day to get rid of the toxin. I didn't expect that Tong Bao could solve the problem with a silver needle.

Tong Bao nodded: "yes, it's solved."

Ye Feng felt the strength of his body and seemed to have recovered. It's amazing.

Ye Feng said to Zhan Su, "I'm fine."

Zhan Su respectfully said to Tong Bao, "please help my mother-in-law detoxify my other brothers."

Tong Bao comes to Zhan su“ I'd better detoxify you first. "

While she was detoxifying herself, Zhan Su inquired with ulterior motives: "my mother-in-law is so skillful in medicine. I don't know when she began to learn medicine?"

Tong Bao blurted out: "fifteen."

Zhan Su was slightly absent-minded. He seemed to be a little sad and said, "my sister studies medicine at the age of 15, too."

Tong Bao's needle trembled in his hand.

Zhan Su saw her hand tremble and her Eagle pupil shrink.

Tong Bao warned him: "if you distract me again, I'll be pricked awkwardly. Don't blame me."

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