Zhan Su sat up.

After doing acupuncture for him, Tong Bao also wanted to know about Zhan Su's physical constitution, so he patiently felt his pulse for Zhan su. After a lot of observation, hearing and questioning, he was pleased and said, "well, that's good. No disease, no worries. It seems that we have had a good time in recent years. "

Zhan Su glares at her. Tong Bao's words are strange. As if they had known each other.

Zhan Su's deep pupil is sharply locked on Tong Bao's face. Seeing the floating powder in her eyes, Zhan Su said suspiciously, "is grandma disguised?"

Tong Bao quickly released Zhan Su's hand and said with a guilty heart: "old lady, I also learn to make up like a young man. Women, no matter how old they are, can't change their bad taste. "

Zhan Su was insightful and said, "I'm talking about make-up, which is different from what you said about make-up."

Tong Baozheng was stunned.

Brother Zhan Su has a burning eye. Don't let him see it.

Tong Bao said: "you are such a handsome child. If you stare at an old woman, it's a bad sight, isn't it?"

Zhan Su is flushed by Tong Bao. Don't turn your head and move your eyes.

Tong Bao sighed.

Run to other ghosts and do acupuncture for them.

She saw Ye Feng and Zhan Su very carefully, but when it was her turn, she was very perfunctory. In order to detoxify, the whole process of feeling the pulse and asking questions is omitted.

When everyone's poison has been removed, Zhan Su thanks Tong Bao: "thank you for saving my mother-in-law's life."

Tong Bao said: "thank you for your sincerity. Why don't you give my old lady something to eat? I'm already hungry. " She missed the delicious food of the imperial capital and expected that they would carry dry food with them, so she made such a request.

Zhan Su winks at Ye Feng. Ye Feng takes out a packet of finger biscuits from the bag. He seems to be reluctant to give up. He hesitates for a long time before handing them to Tong Bao.

"Here you are."

Tong Bao's eyes are shining. It's her favorite snack.


Ye Feng's elder brother is a big man. He has never eaten these snacks before. How can he hoard this kind of dry food on the road?

Tong Bao joked: "Oh, this biscuit is for children. You big man still eat such childish food

Ye Feng no good airway: "love to eat, do not eat pull down."

Zhan Su explained: "this snack is not for us. It was meant for my sister. But I didn't find any news about my sister on the way, so these dry foods... Have a chance to fall into your bag. "

Tong Baocai knows that Zhan Su and Ye Feng are looking for her.

Qingge doesn't want them to bump around like headless flies, so she decides to provide them with some clues. He asked, "what's your sister's name? Maybe we can help you? "

Ye Feng said: "she's from the imperial capital. She's about this tall. Her face is round and lovely."

Su Tong is a fool.

In Ye Feng's brother's heart, she is still the little girl three years ago. In the past three years, she has grown very tall, her face has been striped, her thin face has big eyes, and she looks more like mommy Yan Zhengling - if she doesn't have senility.

"Yes." Qingge said suddenly.

Tong Bao was so scared that he almost reached out to cover Qingge's mouth. Fortunately, Qingge's next sentence was quick: "I met a little doctor in Jiaozhou, very similar to the girl you described. But I don't know her last name or her name. All I know is that she is Boye's Apprentice. "

Ye Feng was overjoyed: "she is in Jiaozhou?"

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