Tong Bao looks at Zhan Su with a smile. He hasn't seen him for three years. Zhan Su has lost his youth and looks more mature and steady. Beautiful eyes and eyebrows, but with the edge of youth.

Tong Baowei handed the parcel to Zhan Su and said, "master Zhan Su, I hope you will have a good life in the future. May you find a good man in the future, and may your family be well. Never worry. "

Zhan Su gets Tong Bao's blessing. Instead of showing the flatterer's flattery, he says sternly, "mother-in-law doesn't have to say anything polite. Zhan Su can't afford it."

Tong Baoxiao shoves the package to Zhan su. "Here you are," he said

Then turn around and leave.

After a few steps, Tong Bao didn't hold back and turned back.

But Zhan Su had already closed the tent curtain.

Tong Bao's eyes were wet in an instant.

Her mind flashed over Zhan Su's words taught her when she was a child. Remembering the picture of her brother doting on her and taking care of her, Tong Bao wanted to rush into his arms and tell him that she was still the one who needed his love.

However, the curtain shattered all Tong Bao's hopes.

Tong Bao dragged his old body and hobbled to the front.

Qingge catches up with her and complains: "why leave without saying goodbye?"

Tong Bao looked at the Shenyu in front of him and said, "Qingge, you have accompanied me so far. There is a sea of flowers in the Shenyu ahead. I want to bury my husband in that place. The wish is over. Next, I don't know where my future is. You follow the one who has no future. "

Qingge claps her hands, like a fool.

"The future? I am a cosmopolitan and cosmopolitan. There is no future to travel around. "

Tong Bao scolded him: "no promise. You have more than half the time to go, and you can do many meaningful things. Unlike me, I don't have the strength or energy to accomplish what I want to do. "

Tong Bao walked a little, obviously more tired than before. He sat on the stone and began to kick angrily.

Qingge was surprised and said, "grandma, your body..."

There was a touch of sadness on Tong Bao's face: "maybe I saw him and moved the emotion I shouldn't have. So the rate of aging is accelerating. "

Qingge sighed: "what is love? It teaches people to live and die together."

Looking at Qingge, Tong Bao said with a smile, "what are you sighing about. You haven't experienced the pain of seven emotions and six desires. Qingge, I really envy you. "

Qingge stares at Tongbao with a dark light.

"Do you know how hard it is to wait for her to appear?" The voice of Qingge becomes extremely sad.

Tong Bao said: "you are still young, don't worry about marrying a daughter-in-law."

Qingge draws a bitter smile.

He is not old, but his psychological age is full of vicissitudes.

Qingge squatted down and said, "let's go, I'll carry you."

after rain the sky looks blue.

Zhan Su, they are on their way.

Ye Feng would occasionally pick a leaf, put it in his mouth and blow it to meet each other.

Zhan Su listened to this different tone and asked curiously, "if you change your two forgetting ways into this way, you won't be sad any more."

Ye Feng explained: "this is a meeting between the two. My mother-in-law taught me that last night. "

Zhan Su was surprised and said, "can she do this?"

Ye Feng said: "probably after listening to me play it once, I can learn and use it flexibly and adapt it on the spot."

Zhan Su said: "so it is."

A few people went to the path of sheep's intestines, suddenly saw the opposite cave, Zhan Su said: "it's a good place to stay. We can stay and find daddy

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