Yan Zheng is like a child who does something wrong. He droops his head and doesn't speak.

Not long after that, hanjue came back with Hanbao. There are not only birds and animals, but also fish and shrimp swimming in the river.

Yan Zheng sees Zhan hanjue and hides quietly. Zhan hanjue's fierce eyes strike him, and Yan Zheng is about to shake.

Finally, Yan Zheng couldn't stand the cold violence from Zhan ye, and gave in and said, "OK, brother, I'm wrong. Tell me, how can you forgive me? "

Zhan hanjue looked at the misty sky and thought about the vast mountains and the fields. He was very sad when Tong Bao trudged with his bent body.

"I want to forgive you, unless you get Xuexian back for me." Zhan hanjue said suddenly.

Yan Zheng wants to say something to Zhan hanjue, but seeing Zhan hanjue's icy face, he closes his mouth again.

Zhan Su sees that his father's concern for Xuexian's mother-in-law is really unusual, and doubts arise in his heart. Ask Hanbao quietly: "do you know the origin of the snow fairy mother-in-law?"

Han Bao said, "I don't know. All I know is that she's good at medicine. I don't know where she's from, where she's going. "

Zhan Su said, "Daddy is so unique to her. Aren't you curious about her identity?"

Hanbao was originally a lazy child. Maybe it was because he saw many strange things in the military information hall, which were all strange and tragic cases. So Hanbao preferred to turn a blind eye to the outside world.

"I'm curious," Hanbao said

"I'm curious why don't you test the snow fairy mother-in-law?" Zhan Su is puzzled.

Han Bao said, "Oh, Su Su, it's daddy's private business. How can we be the younger generation to intervene? "

"I see you are two ears who don't make complaints about the window."

Being poked in the mind, Han Bao laughs.

Zhan Su stepped forward and said to Zhan hanjue: "Daddy, we also ran into that mother-in-law on the way. She was kind-hearted and saved us. Well, I'll go and get my mother-in-law back. "

Zhan hanjue thought about it and said, "Su Su, you're here just in time. Daddy gives you Guan Xiao and Wushuang. They need to take medicine on time. The prescription was adjusted regularly. I'd better go myself to find snow fairy. "

Zhan Su nodded: "well."

Zhan hanjue said to Hanbao, "go and prepare some delicious food for daddy. Daddy will take it to the road."

Hanbao turns to go in, and soon comes out with two roast chickens. Put it in the backpack and Zhan hanjue took it to the road.

All the people were shocked to see Zhan hanjue's back.

Yan Zheng Du mouth, complained: "I think they have a problem."

Zhan Su glared at Yan Zheng and warned, "can you talk well? My father loves talent and cherishes talent. Xuexian's mother-in-law is skilled in medicine. He treats her better. What's the problem? "

Yan Zheng retorted: "when grandma Boye saved his life, she also saved your mother's life. I didn't see him pay so much attention to Boye?"

Zhan Su shook his fist and said, "what do you say?"

Yan Zheng said, "OK, OK. Your father and son are really extraordinary. One doesn't explain what he does, and the other uses his fist to forbid others. After all, this is a strange thing. "

Zhan Su also knows that Daddy's move is very strange, but he can't find the breakthrough point of this strange thing.

Han Bao suggested, "well, go ahead and have a rest."

Zhan Su and Ye Feng went in to live.

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