Luo Shihan stares at him, is this still the elegant father in her memory?

I haven't seen you for a few years. I'm so old. I'm less than 60 years old, but I look like I'm in my prime.

She walked to the leather sofa and sat down slowly. He pointed to the sofa opposite and said to Luo Shihan, "sit down."

Luo Shihan sat down on the sofa on his side, which was the closest to him.

Strict command Cui Anru, "tea for the guests."

Cui an Ru sneered coldly, "husband, where can I get good tea to entertain guests at home?"

Luo Shihan immediately said, "boiled water is OK."

Cui Anru went to pour water for Luo Shihan, while chattering, "if our children hadn't pitied us, we couldn't even afford boiled water at home. Hum, where are the two precious children of your Yan family? Why can't we rely on the critical moment? "

Strict old face immediately gloomy unceasingly, angry way, "you a day don't mention them uncomfortable?"

Cui Anru came with boiled water and put the cup on the coffee table heavily, making a huge impact sound to show her inner dissatisfaction.

"Yes, I just don't want to. How can Yan Zhengling and Yan Zhengzheng be recognized by the Yan family when the Yan Family's scenery is limitless, and the young master's glory is limitless. My children are going to live where there is no light? Now that the Yan family has fallen, they want my children to come out and bear the burden with you, dead and fleeing? "

Luo Shihan is holding a teacup and slowly tasting the tasteless boiled water.

In her eyes, Cui Anru's indignation is absolutely absurd. She broke up her father and mother and let Zhengzheng and her lose their father's love overnight.

But her children, under the protection of her father, live a pampered and rich life.

Today, the Yan family goes bankrupt. Although Zheng Zheng is not good at managing the company, he is also trying to save Yan family.

And she, she is dead. Otherwise, how can we not go through the storm together with Yan?

Luo Shihan was upset, but he didn't dare to say it.

It seems that the strict dignity is no better than that of those years. Cui Anru talks for a long time. Most of the time, he listens and doesn't refute.

But finally quite helpless said: "there are guests at home, you say less."

Cui Anru snorted and went upstairs.

Luo Shihan looks at his frustrated and chagrined father, remembering his majestic appearance in front of his gentle mother, and thinks that he is to blame.

"Mr. Yan, this is my business card."

Luo Shihan handed his homemade business card to Yan Yan.

Her name is written in big gilded characters on a pure black business card. Occupation: Lin Zheng, hacker.

On the reverse side, it says her graduate school - qhxy!

Strict stare, holding the business card of the hand inexplicably trembled, eyes suspicious of looking at her.

Lin Zheng - the other way round is to fight for Lin (Zheng Ling)!

Occupation: hacker!

Graduate School: qhxy!

Every one is as like as two peas.

"Who are you?" Strict hawk's eyes lock Luo Shihan's face.

Luo Shihan looked at him quietly, "my name is Lin Zheng. I'm here for a job

Strict sneer twice, "ha ha, job? Yan's company is on the verge of bankruptcy. At this time, it's hard to cut staff. Why hire new employees? "

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