Yancheng, Yan family courtyard.

Row upon row of Jiangnan architectural style, quadrangles stacked together, towering ancient trees, vines climbing on the black railings inlaid with iron and stone, the blooming period of Jiuchong Pavilion is lush, at a glance, a rose red flower belt winding away.

In addition to the jiuchongge flower belt, the courtyard is full of autumn wind, withered leaves, yellow leaves on the ground, emitting a decadent atmosphere.

Yan's family, once with boundless scenery, is just like the scenery in this courtyard, from colorful to bleak, which makes people sigh.

In front of the heavy Zhumen, there stands a young man. Inside double Dan Feng eye, wheat skin, lip point mole, nose although show but straight.

This person is no other than Luo Shihan who disappeared in the imperial capital.

She has cut off her long hair, which is elegant and neutral. With her exquisite makeup technology, she has changed from a pure beauty to a clean and handsome young man.

Luo Shihan pressed the brass ring bell for a long time before he heard the sound of footsteps. The one who opened the door for her was Yan Zhengling's father, strict little wife: Cui Anru.

Cui is as elegant as ever, wearing famous brand clothes, gold earrings and several thick and heavy gold bracelets on her wrists.

Seeing the pretty young man standing at the door, Cui an Ru's eyes flashed a little doubt, "are you?"

"Hello, Mrs. Cui. Is Mr. Yan at home

Cui Anru glanced back at the courtyard and nodded.

Luo Shi Han said, "please inform me that I am from the imperial capital. I have something important to tell him."

The lady said, "come in."

Luo Shihan then stepped into the threshold and walked inside behind Cui Anru.

The sight sweeps every plant and tree here, the swing playing in childhood is still there, and the joyful songs and laughs sealed in the mind seem to happen yesterday.

"Husband, my Zhengling got another 100 marks in this exam. You should reward her well." This is the tender voice of a loving mother.

"Oh, mom, my sister gets 100 points in every exam. This is the mid-term exam. Final exam, unit exam, get 100 points, not hundreds of times, there are dozens of times. Reward her back and forth, she's numb. " This is my brother's sour voice.

"You might as well reward me."

After Yan Zhengzheng shamelessly expressed his feelings, he was immediately scolded by his father, "you mean to say that your sister Keke scored 100 points, and you, Keke failed. Can I give this big Yan family to you in the future? "

"Dad, just give it to my sister. My dream is not to run a company. I want to be a soldier -- "

"Your sister, she's a girl. She's going to get married after all."

"Isn't there aunt Cui's child?"

"Yan Zhengzheng, your skin itches, isn't it?"

Luo Shihan was standing in the courtyard with a mist floating from his eyebrows.

The past haunts me. However, it made her realize a truth: the withering of Yan family seems to have a clue.

The elder brother Zhengzheng is not determined by the family business, but she is proud and excellent, but she is a girl and a girl with deep feelings.

Grandfather did not allow aunt Cui's sons to enter Yan's enterprise.

Cui Anru found that "he" didn't follow. Standing on the stone steps, she turned her head and looked at him, "by the way, what should I call you?"

The young Cang emperor hid his emotions, turned back and said with a polite smile, "my name is Lin Zheng."

Without saying anything, Cui Anru turned and stepped into the room.

"Husband, someone is looking for you."

The light in the room was dim. Standing in front of the French window, his back was bleak under the backlight.

Turn around, thin face, such as carved by the wind, deep wrinkles.

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