"Do you recognize me?" Luo Shihan felt his short hair neutral and elegant, and wanted to cry without tears.

In order to successfully avoid his search, she even cut off a beautiful black hair, but unexpectedly, the car overturned so fast, but one day, she was recognized by this guy?

She used to kill Matt casually. She could fool him for so long.

Oh, failure, failure.

"How do you recognize me?" In order to learn the lessons of failure, for the next success in disguise, Luo Shihan asked modestly.

Zhan hanjue raised his hand and held her thin earlobe. Against the light, the lovely earlobe was full of transparent light“ Don't try to run away, losihan, because I remember every mark on you. Even if you turn to ashes, I know you! "

Luo Shihan looked as if he was going home to death. "Do you want to try it?"

Seeing Luo Shihan's restless and stubborn eyes, Zhan hanjue couldn't smile“ It seems that you will never be good unless you are dealt with

He stood up, pulled out his belt and tied her hands.

"What are you going to do?"

"For a bad woman, it's natural to be punished." He went to the window and pulled up the heavy curtain.

Inside, the light dimmed.

Then he turned back to her, like a fierce lion overlooking his prey, with a coquettish laugh.

"Run once, do ten."

Luo Shihan looked at him in horror, "abnormal."

"I'm only sick to you."

"I won't hurt you." There was a hint of sexy hoarseness in his voice.

Luo Shihan looked at him in a daze, "master Zhan, do you love me?" She asked foolishly.

After asking, she regretted it.

Not everyone agrees with her that only when love and sex are highly unified is the most flawless love.

Men are animals of lower body thinking, not to mention that he never lacks the pursuit of celebrities and ladies around him. He doesn't need to be wronged to use five finger girl to solve his physiological needs.

"Isn't my action telling?" He asked.

Luo Shihan only feels that this ambiguous gesture makes her blush and heart beat. Don't look into his eyes.

"Do it a few more times, and you'll feel my love." He clings to her and kisses her.


Outside the window, I don't know when it began to rain.

Luo Shihan looks at the man sleeping beside him. The familiar eyebrows and eyes fade the rebellious and unruly youth, and add a cold and violent mature charm.

It's only when I fall asleep that I can get rid of all my cold, just like a big boy. It's as quiet as a baby. It's harmless to people and animals.

Luo Shihan reaches out his hand and gently depicts his eyebrows. His thick eyebrows are clearly not decorated, but they seem to be beautiful and dark.

The narrow eyeliner is rising slightly in the tail of the eye. He is the standard peach blossom eye. Obviously, a pair of eyes are charming and unmatched. It seems that it is cold and like the ice cave, and people will be refused thousands of miles away.

She stretched out her hand and pressed his straight nose. A 30-year-old uncle had no black head, fine pores and fair skin, which made her feel ashamed as a woman.

His eyelashes quivered——

Realizing that he might be awake, she quickly raised her hand. As soon as she wanted to retract, a big hand caught her wrist, and then put her hand on his lips.

Luo Shihan

Is this guy... Awake?

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