Zhan hanxuan cried, "how can there be so many chances? You see, my sister-in-law didn't run early and didn't run late, but it was not because she had agreed with Bai Suyuan in advance that Bai Suyuan would meet her here. Do you think my analysis is correct? "

Zhan hanjue stares at him suddenly, "if you don't want to die, shut up."

Zhan hanxuan was discontented and said, "don't mention it. My sister-in-law has run away. You still have me. Don't worry, I'll never tell such a scandal - if you give Lin Zheng back to me. "

Zhan hanjue watched Bai Suyuan's car disappear at the end of the field of vision, and his anger rose.

Bai Suyuan's sports car raced all the way up to 120 yards. After confirming that no one was catching up, he dared to park the car on the side of the road.

"Zhan Ye didn't catch up. It's not his style." Bai Suyuan was a little puzzled.

Luo Shihan didn't think so. She escaped from him not once or twice.

Looking at the transformed tomboy Luo Shihan, Bai Suyuan laughs, "I remember Zhan Ye likes girls with long hair. Do you want to disgust him when you cut it like this?"

Luo Shihan's expression suddenly became dejected. From the moment when she was expelled from the calendar garden by Zhan hanjue's mother, she knew very well that she would never live for others in her life.

She wants to live for herself.

Live for Yan family.

"It has nothing to do with him." She said.

Bai Suyuan said, "what's your plan next? You should know that if you offend Zhan ye, you can't do anything in the imperial capital. "

Luo Shihan looked at him, his eyes were like lambs, "will you take me in?"

Bai Suyuan said with a smile, "I don't care, but do you still dare to stay with me? You know, I'm surrounded by tigers and wolves. "

Luo Shihan snapped his fingers in front of Bai Suyuan, "close your eyes and give me three minutes. I'll do a trick for you. "

Bai Suyuan obediently closed his eyes and opened them three minutes later.

Luoshihan has become a hunched old woman, a face is squeezed out of dense wrinkles, if not for the clothes, he would not recognize her at all.

"You cross dress? It's amazing. " Bai Suyuan exclaimed.

"Don't you need a trusted assistant?" Luoshihan pointed to his nose, "do you think I can do it?"

Bai Suyuan smiles brightly, "can you become a little sexy?"

Luo Shi Han said: "I didn't expect that Bai Da Shao, a gentle man in front of me, would be as good as that?"

Bai Suyuan is not ashamed, but thinks he is proud. "You know, when you talk business with men, the most powerful moon Hun weapon for women is to make men so obsessed that they have no place to put their eyes on them. If they don't have the heart to negotiate, they will easily fall behind."

"It makes sense." Luo Shihan has a face of being taught.

She has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but she has never practiced it. Therefore, we are willing to listen to Bai Suyuan's teaching.

"So when you come to work tomorrow, remember to dress sexy. Also, this short hair is too eye-catching, you need to deal with it

"I understand!" Luo's poems contain Tao.

"See you tomorrow, then."

"See you tomorrow."

After Bai Suyuan and Luo Shihan parted ways, they went straight back to Bai's residence.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhan hanjue sitting on the sofa, his long legs folded randomly, his fingertips clamped with cigarettes, and he looked inviolable.

"Suyuan, are you back? Zhan Shao has been waiting for you for a long time Bai Shutang said to his son.

Bai Suyuan had a helpless smile in his eyes. I thought he had lost Zhan hanjue by racing, but I didn't expect others to wait at home.

"Zhan Ye's action is really extraordinary!" Bai Suyuan came over and praised him insincerely.

Bai Shutang stood up, "you young people chat slowly, I will not disturb you."

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