And depressed to get out, obediently sit in the driver's seat. Make complaints about the Tucao mode. "Big brother, you are the president who is worth 100 billion, but you have to drive yourself?

If I were you, I'd hire seven private drivers to change from Monday to Sunday. "

"If drivers are as annoying as you are, I'd rather drive by myself." Zhan hanjue said.

Zhan hanxuan smacked his lips, "it's really hard to talk to you people with autism."

"Where to?" Zhan hanxuan asked.


Zhan hanxuan sends Zhan hanjue to Huanya and leaves.

Zhan hanjue said, "follow me and learn about Huanya's corporate culture."

Zhan hanxuan cried and said, "brother, I beg you, please be merciful and let me go. It's not that you don't know me. I didn't like learning since I was a child. "

"Grandfather asked me to help you."

"Oh, you are serious! You go in one ear and out the other. Why bother yourself. You don't know that those teachers who have taught me have only one comment: "you can't teach a child!"

"You know yourself well."

Zhan hanxuan laughed, "big brother, I only have such an advantage all over my body. I'm going. "

"Come back." Zhan hanjue scolded fiercely.

"Oh, big brother --" Zhan hanxuan returned, "are you sure you want to teach me?"

"Let's go."

Zhan hanxuan droops his head and follows Zhan hanjue to the ninth floor.

But stop in the Secretary Desk, and the beautiful secretary Miss hot chat“ Little sister, why are you still so beautiful after you have been in Huanya for so many years? "

The secretary was overjoyed by his praise“ Xuan Shao can talk. "

"I wonder, Huanya's work is so busy, and you have to face the president of iceberg every day, but your endocrine is not out of balance?"

Zhan hanjue stops and looks back.

"Are you idle?"

Zhan hanxuan gathers uninhibited and follows up quickly.

"Brother, don't be so serious, you will scare the beautiful secretary lady?"

After entering the president's office, Zhan hanjue threw a pile of folders to Zhan hanxuan, "this is a successful case of Bai's film and television company manipulating the film industry. You see. "

Zhan hanxuan opened the cover and immediately jumped up, "is this the French version?"

"Is there a problem?" Zhan hanjue was very speechless to his surprise.

"Brother, they know me. I don't know them?"

"What did you study in France?"

"Big brother, French blondes are really romantic. I'm sorry for the high tuition fee if I don't talk about a few vigorous love affairs in France. Are you right? "

Glancing at Zhan hanjue's murderous eyes, Zhan hanxuan begged for mercy, "I can only say, I won't recognize."

Zhan hanjue gave him a translation dictionary and said, "translate them."

Zhan hanxuan looked at the dense small characters and felt dizzy.

He lost his dictionary and fought against Han hanjue, "brother, you'd better kill me. You ask me to translate, I can't do it. "

Zhan hanjue pulled out a sinister sneer from his lips——

I can't deal with you.

"Before dark, if I can't see the Chinese version, you'll be waiting for the reunion dinner with your half brothers and sisters tomorrow."

Zhan hanxuan's face is pale.

"You're tough."

Then sit at your desk and translate word by word.

Zhan hanjue looks at Zhan hanxuan, who is writing hard at the desk. His eyes are dim and unclear.

Grandfather refused to let his children live in Bixi manor just because he wanted to protect them.

If one day, hanxuan they plump wings, can be alone, maybe the old master will let go, let the blood of the outer room to recognize their ancestors.

After all, in his heart, the old man still wanted to see the day of the family reunion.

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