How can the President let the hackers who sabotage Zhan's intranet go unpunished?

"I need to - rebuild Zhan's defense system." For a long time, Zhan said.

Guan Xiaowei was stunned. This is not the style of the president.

In the face of the enemy, the president usually makes an example. But this time, he even in such a bad physical condition, decided to go out in person to enhance the defense of his own network?

Is this too gentle for the enemy?

"Yes. President. " Guan Xiao habitually obeys Tao.

He believes that any decision made by the president must be wise and wise. If they can't understand the mystery, it only means that they are in arrears of intelligence.

Zhan hanxuan asked reluctantly, "brother, do we just let go of the flowers of kaolin?"

"Leave her alone? No way Zhan hanjue's eyes are full of evil blood, which makes him look like a blood addict.

He will never let her go in his life.

"What about Bai Suyuan?" Zhan hanxuan asked.

Zhan hanjue said, "castrate him." How dare you hook up with his woman?

Zhan hanxuan trembled“ Brother, you're not serious, are you? Although Bai Suyuan is hateful, his crime is not the last“

Elder brother is so tolerant to kaolin flower, why is he so merciless to Bai Suyuan?

"Brother, he's uncle Bai's son. Just teach him a lesson." Zhan hanxuan pleads for Bai Suyuan.

"I need your advice in doing things?" Zhan hanjue glares at Zhan hanxuan, and his voice is extremely cold.

Zhan hanxuan wrapped up his clothes and cried, "brother, I'm just afraid that you'll cripple him. It's not good to hand over to Uncle Baishi. Is uncle Baishi such a child to be handed down from generation to generation? "

"It's impossible for him to teach his children."

Zhan hanxuan

Brother, this reason is far fetched?

Zhan hanjue's eyes turned to Guan Xiao, "go to check Bai Suyuan's recent whereabouts. Find a few people to deal with him. "

Guan Xiao nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute..." Zhan didn't know what he thought. He suddenly stopped him and told him seriously, "by the way, his newly recruited assistant is rose. This matter, must avoid her, cannot let her be aware of

"Yes." Guan Xiaowei was stunned.

Is this unusual“

In the past, anyone who has offended Zhan will be punished by the people around him.

But this time, the president has the heart to protect rose!

Guan Xiao felt puzzled.

After Guan Xiao goes out, Zhan hanxuan follows him immediately.

"Guan Xiao, do you really want to carry out my brother's orders?" Zhan hanxuan catches up with Guan Xiao.

Guan Xiao stopped and looked at Zhan hanxuan, "if you turn your arm out, you won't be afraid that the president will castrate you?"

Zhan hanxuan covered his crotch, "lying trough, my brother didn't even pursue the flowers of kaolin, how could he pursue me.

Guan Xiao, I can remind you that if you run Bai Suyuan, the two families will break up, and then both sides will lose. Is that what you want? "

Guan Xiao's answer is simple and direct, "I will do whatever the president asks me to do."

Zhan hanxuan was so angry that he couldn't choose to say, "if you want to leave ancient times, my elder brother is HunJun, and you are sycophants. You two are going to lose your country if you act like this -- "

Guan Xiao left with a smile.

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