Zhan hanjue thought about it and added, "also, check the serum antibody of HIV!"

The doctor's wife's eyes suddenly became indescribable.

Is the chief executive's demand for women's cleanliness really different?

Luo Shihan refused, "that... Don't check."

Zhan hanjue looked down at the woman who was about to get into the crack in the ground, with a smile in his eyes.

So shy?

"Check. And... "Han Han Jue's eyes cast on Zhan Fengxian behind him," give her a check list, too. "

Zhan Fengxian jumped up, "brother, what do you mean? Your sister, I have no desire and live like abbess extinction. How can you doubt me? "

After sending the order, Zhan hanjue sat on the chair beside him happily.

Luo Shihan and Zhan Fengxian are depressed.

After a while, the nurse came over with a syringe and drew blood for them.

Soon, the results came out.

However, the inspection result was intercepted by Zhan hanjue halfway, "give it to me!"

Luo Shihan wants to rush over and grab it. Zhan hanjue holds up the checklist. The advantage of long legs and arms makes Luo Shihan very tired.

"Eat more, grow higher and grab more." Zhan hanjue sneered coldly.

Luo Shihan looked up at him dejectedly... "Does Huanya have the technology to make people higher?" He asked seriously.

Zhan hanjue


Luo Shihan's eyes were shining, but Zhan hanjue poured cold water on them, "but you have passed puberty."

Losihan has a black face.

Zhan hanjue carefully checked the three checklists.

The first one is Zhan Fengxian. There is no problem. Zhan hanjue returns it to Zhan Fengxian.

The second is Luo Shihan's HIV serum antibody test sheet, all negative. After reading it, Zhan hanjue hands it to Luo Shihan.

Luo Shihan sees the checklist. be dumbfounded.

Zhan hanjue looked at the third check list, the allergen appeared dense plus sign, can't help frowning.

Return the check list to luoshihan. Seeing the four plus signs in front of mango, luoshihan just remembered that she drank fruit wine yesterday.


So she's really allergic?

Therefore, what Zhan hanjue gave her was not HIV pathogenic fluid.

When he came out of the hospital, Luo Shihan felt that Zhan hanjue looked at her like a panda.

His eyes were full of laughter and sarcasm.

Zhan Fengxian is also embarrassed. She drags Luo Shihan's hand. She is usually arrogant, but today she is silent and doesn't say a word.

Two people are probably embarrassed, walking into a tree, pain Luo Shihan covered his forehead, bared his teeth called up!


"Luo Shihan --" Han hanjue suddenly called her.

Luo Shihan turned his head and Zhan hanjue's eyes fell on her forehead.

Zhan hanjue's face was gloomy when he saw his forehead.

"Get in the car."

"Where to?" Luo Shihan asked warily.

"Calendar garden."

Luo Shihan held his chest in both hands and asked alertly, "what do you want?"

The Impatiens looked at Luo Shihan's action and was stunned.

His brother didn't bully luoshihan, did he?

Zhan hanjue said coldly, "I'll take you back, and I'll take care of the children."

Luo Shihan dropped her hand awkwardly. It seems that she is a gentleman with a villain's heart.

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