Like a loach, Zhan Fengxian opened Rolls Royce's door and sat in the back seat first“ I will go too. I think my family has already had Hanbao and Tongbao. "

Luo Shihan dawdles into the car.

Although she was worried that Han Han Jue would do something bad to her again, she was too concerned about the children.

Zhan hanjue looked at the two women in the back seat and said coolly, "I don't want to drive."

Zhan Fengxian and Luo Shihan look at each other, which means that they have a person to sit next to the demon king.

Luo Shihan got up and said, "then I'll drive."

She didn't want to sit next to the cold Lord.

"Do you have a driver's license?" he asked

Luo Shihan sat back depressed.

Zheng Ling can drive and has a driver's license.

But she's losihan now?

Zhan Fengxian admits her fate and says, "OK, I'll drive."

She suspected that her brother used her as a free driver.

After Zhan Fengxian came out from the back seat, Zhan hanjue went in gracefully.

Sitting next to luoshihan, luoshihan felt that winter was coming.

Close the half open collar, still can't stop the ice sculpture next to her.

"Turn on the air conditioner if it's cold." Zhan hanjue looked at her with deep eyes.

Luo Shihan looked out of the window at the beautiful sun. Although it had been a long time since autumn, the noon sun was warm and the temperature and climate were pleasant and comfortable.

It's just the opposite of turning on the air conditioner in this season, isn't it?

War Impatiens blindfolded turned on the heating and air conditioning.

After a while, everyone in the interior of the car was hot and sweaty.

Zhan took off his coat and put it on his knee.

Wearing a blue shirt, exquisite buttons, meticulously button to the first, set off the perfect jaw line. Let him look more charming.

Luo Shihan sat with him, very formal.

Zhan hanjue unties the first button... It seems that only in this way can it be a little cooler and faster.

Luo Shihan inadvertently glances at his sexy Adam's apple, and somehow reminds him of the perfect figure comparable to supermodel below it.

Then, my ears suddenly turned red.

Zhan hanjue just looked at her. Even if she didn't look at him and saw the reaction of her ears, he raised his lips.

"It's so hot!" Zhan Fengxian was so hot that she turned her head and glanced at Luo Shihan, who was wearing a thick coat in the back seat.

"Sister in law, aren't you hot?"

I'm not hot. I'm cold. "

Zhan hanjue looked at the sweat on her forehead and handed her a tissue. "Wipe the sweat."

War Impatiens

Luo Shihan

Luo Shihan takes it in embarrassment and wipes his sweat.

Fengxian looks at luoshihan, who has been humiliated by her elder brother. Her compassion overflows and she immediately stands out for luoshihan.

"Brother, can't you see that my sister-in-law doesn't want to take off her coat in front of you?"

Zhan hanjue certainly saw it.

The Impatiens then said, "brother, a girl like sister-in-law who can still sit back and see you is on the verge of extinction. Take good care of her and don't bully her! "

Zhan hanjue nodded thoughtfully“ Well

I've met so many times and I'm still so shy. I'm so pure that I'm dying out.

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