Luo Shihan was stunned

Why did Yan Zhengzheng resist Han hanjue so much?

If the accidental death of Zheng Ling is attributed to Zhan hanjue, it seems unfair to him.

"Calm down. Those who achieve great things do not stick to small things. " Luo Shihan appeases Zheng Zheng.

Strict face is not very good-looking, "Lin Zheng, you don't know Zhan Yan's family holiday..."

Luo Shihan whispered, "I probably know."

Strict stare at her, voice suddenly raised, "no, you don't know."

Luo Shihan looks at the severity of his sudden sullen anger. Seeing that his father, who is always gentle, is stained with blood in his sullen pupil, Luo Shihan is silent.

Is there something else she doesn't know?

"Please tell me more about it." Losihan's voice trembled slightly.

Strict pain through the heart way, "my little girl, Zheng Ling's death, and he can't get rid of the relationship."

Luo Shihan was slightly stunned and said, "Miss Yan is infatuated with Zhan Shao. In order to see Zhan Shao, she was tired driving, which led to a car accident. It's an accident. I hope that general manager Yan won't blame Zhan for Miss Yan's death, but refuse the cooperation of his best ally... "

What she said is based on a hot search report after Yan Zhengling's death.

Yan Zhengzheng suddenly went crazy, "my sister's death is not an accident. It was his deliberate arrangement... "

Luo Shihan was so shocked that she seemed to be filled with lead, so heavy that she fell into the bottomless abyss.

"Yan Zhengzheng, food can be eaten, words can not be said." Losihan's incredible murmur.

However, Yan Zhengzheng had a good reason to say, "my sister didn't want to go to the imperial capital that day. It was the trap he set to tempt my sister to go to the imperial capital."

Luo Shihan only felt his head was in a mess.

The car accident seven years ago

It seems that she did not rush to the imperial capital until she received a message.

That text message, is it really he deliberately gave her a life charm?

No, he wouldn't do that to her.

When Luo Shihan wanted to hear more, Yan Zhengzheng suddenly gave a bitter smile, "come on, what can I tell you about this to an outsider? It's my sister's stupid to fall in love with such a terrible man. "

The more unclear he was, the more uncomfortable Luo Shihan felt.

"I want to hear..." Luo Shihan looks at Yan Zhengzheng almost imploringly.

Yan Zhengzheng was slightly stunned, and his eyes turned to his father.

At the moment, he is very curious about the identity of Luo Shihan.

Looking at Luo Shi Han's eyes, he sighed. He waved to Yan Zhengzheng and said, "Zhengzheng, go back first. I have business with Miss Rose. "

Yan Zhengzheng steps back three times and leaves reluctantly.

I don't know why this Miss Rose made him feel familiar?

After Zheng Zheng left, he scrutinized Luo Shihan strictly and solemnly, "Lin Zheng, you can tell me now. Do you know who you really are? "

Luo Shi collected the ups and downs of emotions, went to the bathroom, and soon came out of the soup noodle.

Seeing the plain face of Luo Shihan, she stood up in shock.

"Luo Shihan?"

But Luo Shihan didn't answer him. Instead, he walked up to him, knelt down with a plop and yelled hoarsely, "Dad."

I trembled

"You have confused me. You are Lin Zheng, rose and losihan, but you call me dad? "

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