But now that they have a common child, she can force herself to stay away from Zhan hanjue, but she can't force herself to leave her own flesh and blood?

Strict a little excited, "close to him, you are moths to the fire.". It's self destruction. "

Luo Shihan trembled, "Dad, tell me why I hate him, otherwise, I can't..."

Strict with a lot of effort, just said: "that car accident, is the warring family for you to design the Hongmen banquet."

"A few days after you died, the news of Han's marriage came out. He wants to marry another girl, but he calls you to the imperial capital. What do you think he wants

Luo Shihan's body shakes. It turns out that the woman he likes is not her.

"If it wasn't for Zheng Zheng's bloody Fang Gang, he would go to the war house and make a big noise and ask him to repay your life. It's rare for the warring family to be restless, so the warring family had to cancel his wedding. " He sneered.

"Well, after all, he's just a turtle with no feelings. After you die, you hide behind the big tree of Zhanjia and dare not come out to face us. I didn't give up to see you off until you were buried. "

"In all these years, I've never given you a stick of incense in your graveyard."

Luo Shihan felt that strict words were like knives, which were all over her.

It turns out that he didn't just hate losihan?

I also hate Yan Zhengling.

She is so stupid that she can't see through his heart for two generations.

Luo Shihan got up from the ground with a look of desolation. But smile very bright.

"Thank you, Dad. Let me see him through. "

Strict some not at ease looking at Luo Shi Han“ What are you going to do next? Come back to him again? "

Luo Shihan looked at strict pale smile, "Dad, don't worry, that Zheng Ling trapped by love is dead."

"I approached him for Yan's sake."

Luo Shihan walked to the door, suddenly thought of something and turned back, "Dad, since he threw out an olive branch, willing to cooperate with Yan in the shooting of Xingyue script, then promise him."

Finally, he added, "that's what he owes us."

Looking at Zheng Ling strictly, it's no wonder that the old man said that she was the only business genius in the Yan family. It's only for profit, which is very similar to that of Han Han Jue.

It's just that I'm worried.

Yan's family is decadent. How can his baby daughter make a living in the market of Zhan Bai?

After Luo Shihan left, he sorted out his tired mood, took a taxi and came to the calendar garden.

As if, an interesting Pavilion www.biquku.biz ]Nothing happened.

The Impatiens stood at the door. Seeing Luo Shihan far away, he shook his arm and cried, "sister-in-law, you have come at last."

Luo Shihan came down from the taxi and said to Fengxian with a sorry face, "sorry, Fengxian. I'm late. "

"It doesn't matter if you're late. I'm afraid you won't come. Sister in law, I'm going on a date. I can make him wait for me, but I can't miss the appointment

Luo Shihan was a little surprised and said curiously, "what kind of boy is he? Look, you are so happy... "

Impatiens holding Luo Shi Han, will mouth to her ear, "Yan Zheng Zheng."

Luo Shihan's whole body is stiff.

But the Impatiens was heartless and happy, just like the child, "sister-in-law, after all, it's my love for him that hasn't ended. So he came to me on his own initiative. He called me and asked me to meet him. I'm going

The Impatiens left happily.

However, Luo Shihan felt uneasy.

Zheng Zheng hates the warring family to the bone. How can he take the initiative to provoke Impatiens?

What does he want to do?

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