That night, Zhan didn't go home.

After sleeping three children, Luo Shihan returns to the room reserved for her by Zhan hanjue. Lying in bed, but tossing and turning difficult to sleep.

She lamented herself and worried about impatiens.

In the middle of the night, the bedroom door suddenly creaked, and Luo Shihan sat up in shock.

Turn on the light, but see Zhan Su standing at the door, staring at her“ Mommy, I want to sleep with you. "

Luo Shihan held out his hand with a smile, "come on."

Zhan Su closed the door behind his back and went to lie beside Luo Shihan.

Luo Shihan raised his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. The clock had already pointed to midnight, but Zhan Su didn't fall asleep?

Touching Zhan Su's little ear, Luo Shihan gently asked, "tell mommy, why can't you sleep?"

Zhan Su starts and looks at Mommy.

In his eyes, there was a touch of hesitation and fear.

Luo Shihan rubs his earlobe. Once upon a time, I heard that rubbing a child's small ear can solve the problem of crying at night. I don't know if it has any effect on Su Su.

She's in a hurry. She's in a hurry.

"Susu, if you have something on your mind, tell mommy. How about that? " His intuition tells Luo Shihan that Su Su has something on his mind, just like his father, the city is deep and everything is hidden in his heart.

Luo Shihan wants to guide the child to let out his depression. Patience gradually good lure way, "Su Su, mommy love you. If you have any trouble, you can tell mommy. Because Mommy is the one who loves you the most in the world

Zhan Su suddenly said, "Mommy, I'm afraid!"

Luo Shihan is slightly stunned

He is usually very courageous and intelligent. He is very young and mature.

Unexpectedly, behind this silence, there is such a fragile side.

"Tell mommy, what are you afraid of?" Luo Shihan asked.

Zhan Su shrunk into a shrimp and leaned against Luo Shihan.

Luo Shihan patted the child on the back and waited for him to talk

"There's a crazy woman hiding in Bixi manor. She's hiding on daddy's bed..." Zhan Su said vaguely when he was half asleep and half awake.

However, luoshihan seems to be pinned to the soul by the soul lock, and the whole person is like a bottomless abyss.

Father's words, and Zhan Su's words, were buzzing in her head like thousands of bees. It's a mess in her head.

Zhan Suxu found a sense of security around her and soon fell asleep.

But Luo Shihan sat up with a splitting headache and his head in his hands.

She felt as if her body was not her own. Her soul and body were struggling in the opposite direction to pull her in two.

Her body wants to flee desperately, but her soul wants to rush to his side desperately.

It was as if she was in a hell of doom, and the pain was unbearable.

She kicks thick gas, has been constantly comforting himself, "Luo Shihan, you sober up, can't be confused by his appearance."

"Give him up, stay away from him. You should learn to love yourself and live for yourself


In the East, the sky turns white.

After a night of dying struggle, Luo Shihan lay on the bed like a dead fish.

But she felt alive.

Downstairs, Rolls Royce whistles.

Zhan Su shook mommy's arm excitedly, "Mommy. Daddy's back. "

Luo Shihan, holding two swollen panda eyes, said with a smile, "go."

Downstairs, chanhanjue will park Rolls Royce, Yushu Linfeng standing at the gate.

Looking up at the garden fence on the second floor, three small heads came out neatly.




Zhan Su and Han Bao call him Daddy!

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