Zhan hanjue drew up an agreement and threw it to Luo Shihan for signature.

Luo Shihan saw the contract details and wanted to cry without tears.

Zhan hanjue asked her to accompany him on the 16th, 17th and 18th of this month. As compensation, he will sign a cooperation agreement with Yan immediately after three days.

"Mr. Zhan, it's illegal to trade skin and meat." Luo Shihan tries to make a final struggle.

"You can choose to give up," he said

The life and death of Yan's enterprise is like a mountain pressing on luoshihan. Luoshihan clenches his teeth and signs his name on the contract.

Anyway, didn't you sleep with him?

Why not sleep more?

Luo Shihan encouraged himself in his heart.

At the bottom of Zhan hanjue's eyes flashed a smile of success.

Luo Shihan always felt that this guy's eyes looked like he had calculated her ancestors for 18 generations.

Soon, Luo Shihan's foreboding was confirmed.

Bai Suyuan suddenly called her. Luo Shihan didn't dare to answer his phone in front of Zhan hanjue, so he quickly hung up his phone.

Bai Suyuan persevered to fight, she persevered to hang up.


The voice of Zhan hanjue Binghan ordered: "pick up!"

Luo Shihan gingerly connected the button, and Bai Suyuan's warm voice came.

"I have good news and bad news for you, losihan. Which one to listen to first? "

"Bad." Luo Shi Han is full of vitality but weak in Tao.

"Our personal social accounts have been blocked by the son of a bitch named chanhanjue."

"In addition, he bought the hot search in the last three months, which means that there is no way for us to declare our love."

Luo Shihan's hand trembled, and the phone almost fell to the ground.

"And the good news?" Luo Shihan asked.

Bai Suyuan's voice became joyful. "Zhan's birthday is coming. It's on the 17th of this month. It is said that the Zhan family will make great efforts to organize the birthday of the old master. At that time, we'll invite people from the place to attend. If we were to attend the banquet of the warring family as lovers, what would be the expression of Han Han Jue when he saw it

Bai Suyuan thought of all excited, "I can't wait to see his face eating Xiang."

Luo Shihan glances at Zhan hanjue. The man is as cold as ice. He can be called the maximum power refrigerator.

The violent eyes, as if he dare to agree to Bai Suyuan's proposal, he will eat her next second.

Luo Shihan stammered quickly, "Suyuan, the birthday of the old man, you'd better not go to the party!"

"Why?" Bai Suyuan was shocked.

"I'm afraid you'll be dead!" Luo Shihan then hung up the phone.

Moreover, Bai Suyuan said that the birthday of the old master was on the 17th of this month. Isn't that the day when Zhan hanjue asked to accompany him?

Imagining himself standing beside Zhan hanjue, Bai Suyuan's expression after seeing them is more ugly than eating Xiang.

Luo Shihan hung up the phone, looked at Zhan hanjue with trembling eyes, pleaded for Bai Suyuan and said, "Zhan ye, Suyuan has recently suffered from a very serious depression, so he probably doesn't want to live. So there's something about speaking. Don't worry about him

Zhan hanjue handed her a death gaze, "Suyuan? What a friendly cry? "

Luo Shihan shrunk to a quail and said, "call less, save energy!"

"Call him his full name later." Zhan hanjue turns away with a pretty face.


It will soon be the 16th.

Early in the morning, when the mobile phone rings unexpectedly, Luo Shihan glances at the three words "the great devil" written on the screen and howls in despair.

Just before the bell was about to disappear, Luo Shihan picked up the phone.

"War lord!"

"Luoshihan, today is the 16th."

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