"Hanbao... Help Mommy!"

Han Bao immediately clenched his fist, "Mommy, who bullied you? My son will beat him for you. "

Luo Shihan's eyes glanced hard at Zhan hanjue.

Han Bao turns from anger to joy, "Daddy bullied you?"

"When will you give birth to our brothers and sisters?"

Luo Shihan: "what kind of white eyed wolf did you raise?

Turning off the video, Zhan hanjue's eyes turned to Luo Shihan: "the code language is very childish!"

Luo Shihan is embarrassed. Just now she is using a code to ask her son for help. Unexpectedly, Zhan hanjue finds out.

"Don't like me bullying you?"

Luo Shihan murmured, "I'm not a masochist."

"But you just enjoyed it..."

Luo Shihan's face suddenly turned red to tears.

Zhan hanjue was in a good mood and turned to walk outside.

Luo Shihan is in bed. In the next three days, how many layers of skin will she be squeezed by this guy?

No, she has to get rid of this demon!


When Zhan hanjue went upstairs with his lunch, he saw Luo Shihan sitting at a long wooden table. His timer had been successfully broken down into a pile of parts by her.

When Luo Shihan saw him, he looked at him with a faint look in his eyes, but he pretended to be guilty and said, "master Zhan, the timer is out of order. I wanted to fix it, but the more parts I repaired, the more parts I had. "

The timer is broken. How can he do it? Hum!

"It doesn't matter."

He put his lunch on the table and sat opposite her. Began to skillfully piece together the timer.

Soon, the timer was put together, but the display of the timer was still black.

Luo Shihan said, "master Zhan, did you spell it wrong?"

Zhan hanjue held out his hand, "bring it."

Luo Shihan pretended to be stupid, "take what?"

"Heart parts!"

Luo Shihan is not willing to put the parts in his palm, muttering, "they are all children who grew up eating goat milk powder. Your IQ is not so high!"

She secretly hid a part, did not expect that this can let him find?

Zhan hanjue put the assembled timer on her wrist again.

Luo Shihan asked modestly, "master Zhan, what's the working principle of this timer?"

Zhan hanjue looked at her, "want to know?" Her careful thinking is written on her face. She wants to speed up the operation of the timer.

Luo Shihan looks up at him like a little dog“ Well

Zhan hanjue suddenly fell down to kiss her

Luo Shihan pushed him hard with both hands, which made his heart explode. Isn't this guy in heat? How can you do this to her?

But inadvertently sweep to the timer turn fast.

Luo Shihan's silly eyes

The beat of the heart and the tick of the timer overlap!

At the end of the experiment, Zhan released her“ Now it's time to know why the timer is getting faster? "

Luo Shihan blushed and angrily said, "this is not a timer. It's a magic tool for picking up girls."

Zhan hanjue's eyes smile: "if you want it to go faster, you have to make my heart beat faster."

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