Luo Shihan finally realized a sentence: hooligans are not terrible, they are afraid that hooligans have culture!


After lunch, Zhan hanjue proposes to play golf, but Luo Shihan readily agrees. Otherwise, I don't know if this guy will become Qin beast again.

Tourmaline's golf course has a vast area and green grass, which is several times larger than the general golf course.

Inside the stadium, Zhan tingjun and a young girl are doing very indecent sports.

"Don't look." Zhan hanjue put out his hand to cover Luo Shihan's eyes.

"Why not see it?" Losihan pulled his hand down.

"Free HD action blockbuster, do not see white do not see."

Two people on the grass are burning, but suddenly hear Luo Shihan's wonderful comments, such as hail, panic to put on clothes.

Zhan tingjun's face is just as ugly as eating a jin of Xiang.

"Don't you see my uncle working? I don't know how to avoid suspicion! " Zhan tingjun said suddenly.

"I'd like to learn from you," he said coldly

Zhan tingjun's face twitched: "when did you become so bold? What do we do when you're standing here? Why don't you teach me? "

Zhan hanjue's eyes turned to Luo Shihan, and the coldness at the bottom of his eyes was more soft.

"My uncle, let's teach him!"

Hearing the man's straightforward words, Luo Shihan's face turned red like hot pepper.

Zhan hanjue likes to see her shy.

"Our technology is too bad to see." Luo Shihan said modestly.

Zhan hanjue's face twitched——

Is his skill that bad?

Zhan hanjue's eyes looked at Luo Shihan: "are you sure? Do you need us to show it to my uncle

Luo Shihan second counsels, obedient but humane, "no, Zhan ye, your technique is not bad at all."

Zhan tingjun looks at the lovely Luo Shihan, and then at the coquettish girl beside him. I don't know why, at this moment, I feel my taste is so bad.

However, he will not admit that he has a bad eye.

"You are just in time. We are worried that no one will play with us." Zhan tingjun despises Luo Shihan. He just wants to make a fool of this vulgar country girl.

When she was embarrassed, he had a sense of achievement in front of him.

"Good." Zhan hanjue readily agreed to the appointment.

Luo Shihan hasn't practiced golf for a long time. At the beginning, he lost his game.

Zhan tingjun couldn't stand up with a smile“ Oh, nephew, where did you get your daughter-in-law from? It's amazing to play golf

Zhan hanjue walks up to Luo Shihan and teaches her posture with his hands. Luo Shihan seems to find the feeling of training in his previous life. A serve. The ball went right into the hole.

Zhan tingjun was suddenly dumb, but he exclaimed unconvinced, "you teach her, it doesn't count."

Luo Shihan pondered that although Zhan hanjue was very poor, Zhan tingjun didn't seem to be much better.

So he raised the club, and the ball flew up and hit Zhan tingjun's handsome face.

"Oh, losihan, who the hell told you that golf can fly?" Zhan tingjun cried with his face in his arms.

Luo Shi [anonymous novel] ]Han lost the game, but he was in a good mood.

Kill two birds with one stone, both men were avenged by her.

You lost Zhan tingjun took the young girl into his arms. "Han Jue, you have to admit that you are not as good as me in picking up girls."

Zhan hanjue said without salt: "in Zhan family, you have always been the leader."

Zhan tingjun frowned, "are you praising me?" That doesn't sound like a good thing.

After several games, Luo Shihan suddenly felt that something was wrong with his body. He was dizzy, pale and sweaty——

Suddenly, with a puff, Luo Shihan fell to the ground without warning.

Zhan hanjue's face turned pale.

"Luoshihan!" The sound is a little distorted.

Zhan tingjun was stunned to see his nephew swept away like a hurricane“ Is there something in this world that you are afraid of? "

It seems to find his weakness, and Zhan tingjun's eyes, seeing Zhan hanjue go further and further away, become sinister.

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