Zhan hanjue returns to xiangdingyuan with Luo Shihan in his arms. The family doctor comes quickly with the medicine box.

He made a comprehensive examination for Luo Shihan, and finally came to the conclusion that "Miss Luo is a hypochondriac caused by malnutrition."

Zhan hanjue looked at the inspection sheet marked with dense arrows and frowned.

After the doctor left, Zhan hanjue sat beside the bed.

His eyes had depicted Luo Shihan's thin face, and his heart was aching.

What's her life like these seven years?

Take care of the children so healthily, but take care of yourself in a mess.

It seems that he has to do something extraordinary.

When Luo Shihan woke up, he saw that Zhan hanjue's face was looking at him melancholy.

Accustomed to his expensive face, he suddenly turned into a melancholy one. Luo Shihan suddenly felt a great uncertainty.

He took Zhan hanjue's hand in fear, "Zhan ye, am I going to die?"

Zhan hanjue's eyes flashed with a playful look.

"Any last words?" Very calm asked her.

"After I... Die, can you... Be widowed for me?" As clear as a deer's pupil blinking, voice embarrassed mutter way.


"If you have to find a little stepmother for them, can you find a cute girl like me? It's better to be a woman who can't win Han Bao in a fight, who can't win Su Su in a quarrel, and who can't be a demon but can't be Tong Bao. In this way, I will close my eyes under the nine springs. "

Zhan hanjue's lips twitched violently.

"Don't worry, child?"

Luo Shihan's eyes were red. "Well."

"Then live for me. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will find a woman to abuse your children. "

Luo Shihan was so surprised that he got up and said, "master Zhan, do you want to be so cruel? Is that your child?"

As a result, Luo Shihan was overjoyed when he suddenly realized that he could move freely“ I'm all right? "

Zhan hanjue looked at the lovely little woman. Before she died, she thought carefully for the children and couldn't help laughing.

He picked her up, put her on him, held her face and began to kiss.

When Luo Shihan realized what was going to happen next, he immediately turned red and protested in a loud voice, "Zhan ye, I'm sick?"

Zhan hanjue teased her shamelessly in her ear, "I will be very light!"

After a round, luoshihan is lying on the bed tired. She has no right to resist, OK!

"Baby, let's get married!"

At this time, Zhan hanjue's low voice suddenly came into luoshihan's ear, with stubborn insistence.

Luo Shihan's whole body was stiff. It seemed that something was slowly breaking in his heart.

Zhan hanjue's voice has really hooked up her love and hatred for two generations.

She remembers that he used to call her that every time he got drunk.

She clearly saw the strong desire in his eyes, but no matter how she teased him, he would not want her.

At that time, he was very happy and felt that he respected her.

Now I know that he disdains her.

Today, he called her baby?

A man is really a thinking animal in his lower body. He can be called Baby Yan Zhengling or baby Luo Shihan. As long as he is in debt, he can call anyone!

Why didn't she recognize him clearly in her last life?

Luo Shihan tried his best to force the tears in his eyes back, and recovered his calm, "master Zhan, are you sincere?"

He put her hand on his heart, with grievance in his voice, "this answer, I will tell you all my life."

He fell asleep beside her.

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