Zhan Su's speechless glance at Zhan Fengxian suddenly asks Zhan hanjue, "Daddy, why don't you let me see Mommy?"

The tone of questioning, with a trace of anger, shocked Zhan Fengxian and Zhan hanjue at the same time.

Zhan Fengxian sighs: Zhan Su is really different!

Zhan hanjue pinched his painful eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Su Su, you don't understand the adult's affairs."

Zhan Su's cool and handsome face is a bit stubborn, "why should the adult's affairs be implicated in the children?"

Zhan Su's dissatisfaction with daddy has escalated for the first time in history.

Zhan hanjue was sitting on the co driver's seat. Although he couldn't see his expression, he was obviously hit hard by Zhan Su's rebellion from his silence.

Zhan Fengxian gives a thumbs up to Zhan su. But said sarcastic, "you wait for daddy to deal with you!"

Zhan Su gave her a white look and ignored her.

Guan Xiao sent them back to the sea and the sky. Zhan's face was covered with ice until he entered the villa.

Zhan Su and Zhan Fengxian walk behind. Zhan Fengxian droops her head and looks back at Zhan Su, holding her head high.

After Zhan hanjue sat on the sofa, the two of them put on a contrasting face spectrum and looked at Zhan hanjue.

Zhan hanjue looked at Zhan Fengxian, and she cried and said, "brother, I'm wrong. I don't dare to be merciful any more to help those lost lambs in love."

Zhan hanjue's eyes are slightly cold. Zhan Fengxian has a sympathetic affection for Luo Shihan because of her painful experience in her youth.

This is Zhan Fengxian's scar. Zhan hanjue couldn't bear to poke her scar. He bit his silver teeth and turned his eyes to Zhan Su's stubborn face.

"Su Su, come here." Zhan hanjue stretched out his hand and said softly.

Only in front of his son, the cold-blooded and merciless king of the dark night in the shopping mall, can he show such compassion and tenderness.

Zhan Su is not normal, and did not obediently hand him the small hand. On the contrary, the small hand shrinks into the sleeve.

Zhan Su resists his father's touch, which makes him very hurt. When a lion is injured, it will stimulate the huge explosive force in his body. Regardless of Zhan Su's will, he will pull Zhan Su into his arms.

For the first time, Zhan hanjue lost his temper with Zhan Su, "Daddy has been in love with you for five years, but can't you get along with her for five days?"

Zhan Su looks aggrieved. He knows that daddy loves him very much, and he also loves him very much. But it doesn't conflict with his love for Mommy, OK?

"I love daddy and I love Mommy."

"Don't see her again!" Zhan hanjue roared at him.

Zhan Su was so wronged that his eyes were filled with tears, but he tried his best not to let them fall.

Zhan Fengxian loves Su Su and embraces him. Then he exhorted his brother, "brother, don't be cruel to the children! It's their nature for children to love Mommy. It's cruel of you to prevent Su Su from meeting Luo Shihan! "

It's good that Zhan Fengxian doesn't speak. As soon as he speaks, he completely hooks out Zhan hanjue's anger.

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