"If it wasn't for you, how could Zhan Su have gone to boiling city?" Zhan hanjue roared.

The war Impatiens is extremely aggrieved.

Zhan Su said in a low voice, "don't scold her. I went to boiling city myself."

Zhan Su's sense of justice makes him intolerant of his father's injustice. Just stand up and admit your mistake.

Zhan hanjue is like a balloon full of gas. Suddenly, Zhan Su pinches and explodes it.

Zhan Fengxian looks at the father and son. Although Zhan hanjue is furious, his eyes fall on Zhan Su, and his firepower value drops suddenly. Zhan Fengxian thinks that it is wise for her to seek self-protection first.

"Brother, it's late. I'll go back first." When Zhan Fengxian wanted to leave, Zhan hanjue suddenly asked her in a cold voice, "why didn't she leave?"

Zhan Fengxian's face instantly wrinkled into bitter gourd. She turned around and said timidly, "brother, she is reluctant to fight for a long time."

Zhan Su's shoulder trembled weakly.

Zhan hanjue hands Zhan Fengxian a death gaze. This girl is definitely an undercover sent by Luo Shihan. A casual word is definitely a strong attack from Luo Shihan.

"You go." Zhan hanjue was somewhat frustrated.

Zhan Fengxian runs away quickly.

After Zhan Fengxian left, there were only two men in the big room, one big and the other small, staring at each other silently.

Zhan Su suddenly steps forward and gently holds daddy“ Daddy, I love you

His heart trembled with excitement. Today's Zhan Su is absolutely the one who is silent, cold and handsome.

However, today's him has subtle changes with the past. He knows how to resist authority and how to express love.

Zhan hanjue suddenly hugs Zhan Su tightly in his arms. "Maybe daddy is wrong!" He said subconsciously.

After leaving Haitian villa, Zhan Fengxian immediately calls Luo Shihan to report safety. As soon as I got through, I heard Luo Shihan's cry from the bottom of his soul, "Impatiens, my cold treasure is gone!"

Zhan Fengxian is numb, and her mobile phone falls to the ground. When she came back to herself, she picked up the mobile phone on the ground in a panic and yelled, "Shihan, don't worry, you speak slowly."

Luo Shihan's voice became intermittent because of crying. "When I talked with Han Bao just now, Han Bao was still talking and laughing to me at first, but suddenly he heard" SA veme ", and then his phone hung up. I tried to call him again, but the phone told me to turn it off. "

Zhan Fengxian was paralyzed and sat on the ground without any image. Murmured to himself, "it's all my fault. If my brother didn't worry about me, he wouldn't come to boiling city. If he didn't pick up Zhan Su, he would go to the kindergarten to pick up Han Bao. "

Luo Shihan cried heartbroken. When Zhan Fengxian heard Tong Ruan Nuo's cry, "Mommy, don't cry, don't cry. My brother will be fine."

Zhan Fengxian got up and ran desperately in the direction of boiling city.

When I came to the apartment, I saw Luo Shihan holding his mobile phone, his hands shaking violently.

"How's it going?" Zhan Fengxian walked over and asked eagerly.

Luo Shi Han said, "the traffickers must know that all the children in Montessori kindergarten are from rich families. They should kidnap Hanbao only for money. Impatiens, I'm waiting for the other party's call. If there is no call in half an hour later, I think I should call the police. "

Zhan Fengxian also lost her mind. When she panicked, the only person she could think of that she could rely on was Zhan hanjue, "Shihan, tell my brother?"

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