Siren Song

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Quickly becoming exasperated with the two Liang JianAmal put on the TV to distract the two while he made the call. Leaving the room to help drown out their noise Liang Jian Amal found the small plate of food she had set aside for him. Bemused he eyed the stack of lo bak go, while ordering and brought it with him to the living room room, sitting beside her in the small love seat where she sat curled up.

Seeing him sit beside her the food she had cooked Chang couldn't help getting excited seeing him eating her cooking. With eyes shining she waited until he ate some to ask what he thought of her cooking.

'How does he eat so gracefully, even with his fingers?' In a glazed state she couldn't help but stare until she felt his eyes come back to hers. Embarrassed at having been caught staring she cleared her throat and spoke up.

Wiping his mouth with the napkin she had set with the plate, Jian leaned forward and planted a small peck on her cheek in gratitude.

"It is delicious. Thank you my love."

"Eh it was nothing, I'm glad you liked it." Lacing her fingers together around her knees Chang smiled almost glowing with pride.

Sitting beside him Chang frequently felt her eyes straying back to the man beside her. Lingering on him appreciatively as they traveled across him. Chang wasn't sure if it was the effect from the alcohol or more, but she felt herself growing even warmer and her breathing quicken slightly as she silently ogled.

As the alcohol created burning pits out of their stomachs, Justin and Chang started to grow more and more impatient as they waited for the delivery man to come with the food. When the bell finally rang the two of them instantly rushed from their respective seats to the front door, stumbling and bumping into the walls and each other, as they made their mad rush sounding like a small herd of elephants.

When they ripped open the front door with gusto; the startled delivery man took a few steps back in surprise at the two expectant faces.

"Oh thank god it's the food!" Seeing him Justin almost cried in relief, almost visibly salivating staring at the hot pack the young man with a worried face carried.

"Ah I forgot to grab my money, one second." Slapping her hands around her pockets frantically finding nothing; Chang turned to hurry back into the house only to almost collide with Jian. Slowing and stopping her, Jian pulled out his own wallet and took care of the payment.

"Me next?" Looking at him with hopeful eyes Justin held his plate out ahead of him. Scoffing at him Liang JianAmal ignored the presented plate and walked past him to join the woman quickly escaping. Muttering to himself, Justin served himself a heaping, steaming plate and joined them.

After having starved for too long Chang wolfed down her food like she hadn't seen food in ages and might not ever again. Before the men had even sat she cleared her plate with a satisfied sigh and set in her dishwashing rack.

"Well damn girl, you sure you don't have a black hole living in your stomach?" Snapping his head back to her twice Justin whistled as he sat.

"The theory gains more weight with time." Chuckling at the old joke he used to make when they lived together, Chang acknowledged his joke theory.

"And hopefully you!"

Rolling her eyes Chang didn't respond and just relaxed with her head against the rest as the men ate silently. After letting it settle for awhile Chang rolled up out of the seat with a devilish look in her eye.

'What are you up to now?' Seeing her rise up and rush away with her sparkling eyes, Liang Jian Amal wondered what she was up to next.

Coming back with another bottle held between her two hands and a toothy grin; Justin's eyes widened with horror.

"Oh dear God, you animal, no more!"

"Oh come on, it's our last night let's live it up like we used to!"

"We've more than done that, do you have a liver made of steel now?"

"Don't be such a ninny Justin!" Struggling with the cork Chang felt a big palm cover one of hers, stopping her. Looking forward in surprise she saw Jian had a serious expression on his face.

"No, you two need to hold back for awhile, wait until you have digested your food more. Do not make yourself sick Chang."

"Pah that's part of life." Dismissing his words Chang tried harder to uncork the bottle from under his hand, but he applied firmer pressure, trapping her hand in place.

"It does not have to be, be sensible." Trying to bring some sense to her addled mind Liang JianAmal raised an eyebrow to her pouting petulant lips and dissenting stare.

"Please, for me." Sighing at her continued resistance he tried nicely one last time, only to see her slightly consider it but still continue to hold onto the bottle.

"Or I really will spank you!" Raising his voice slightly in exasperation, Liang Jian Amal finally managed to break through to her.

"... OK." In a small voice she acquiesced and meekly released the bottle to his hands. Once relieved of her treasure Jian herded her back to sit with him.

Unaware of what was playing on the screen before them Chang just laid her head back and enjoyed the warm tingling glow that filled her to her fingertips. While enjoying the numbness and warmth in her belly, Chang felt the day's events wearing on her.

Slowly her head began to slip to the side until she leaned her head against his shoulder. A moment after she had it laid there he shifted and opened his arm out, bringing her head to his chest.

Her first thought was to struggle out but she didn't. Feeling the warmth and strength around her Chang just rubbed her cheek against his chest and snuggled in closer to a more comfortable position.

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