Siren Song

194 Stay With Me I + II

Soon the sound of soft snoring started to come from her as she slept soundly with her head resting on his front. Chuckling a little to himself at how adorable she had looked trying so hard to fight against the inevitable.

Hearing the gentle lull of her snoring; Justin turned in surprise to see her curled up against him. Tucked under his arm, she looked like a baby chick under its mother's wing. Seeing her snoozing away so contentedly when she was so animated a little bit ago he couldn't help but scoff and laugh.

"Wait, did she seriously just fall out like that?"

"Shh, let her sleep." Gently hushing him with a lowered voice Liang JianAmal looked at her with gentle eyes.

"Wow, I can't believe she still wanted to drink more when she was already so toasted. What a lush! I'm not kidding, that girl just about drank me under the table, she used to be such a lightweight too! She's probably been drinking a lot over the last year to increase her tolerance level so much. " In a quieter voice Justin continued agitatedly, pointing at the woman drunkenly sleeping peacefully.

"Mm." Acknowledging his words with a low hum in his throat, Liang JianAmal barely glanced at him.

"Well, too bad though too, she over stepped her limit. It looks like you can't have your way with her now, girl's dead to the world."

"Mm." Smiling wryly he gave another hum, unconcerned with that worry for now.

"Well at least she probably won't remember you wearing her clothes." Shrugging his shoulders while smiling wickedly, Justin tried to get more than a one-grunt answer.

"Never let it be mentioned I wore my wife's clothes." Sharply the man's head came up, his eyes dangerously sharp.

"Well if you didn't want anyone to know, why did you do it anyways..?" Smiling smugly Justin deliberately drew out his words.

"Not sure why I did it for her." Slowly drawing out his words Liang Jian Amal narrowed his eyes, cautioning the younger, smaller man.

"Hmm you know I'm kinda tempted to find a way to immortalize this moment.." Rubbing his chin with two fingers Justin ignored the growing look of warning in the darkening amber eyes.

"I will end you." Spitting the words from between his teeth in a low growl, Liang Jian Amal tried to impress his severity to him.

"No you wouldn't, you know she'd be heart broken." Scoffing at the threat, Justin didn't take his words seriously at all and waved him off.

'Seriously Shar, you're going to continue sleeping, wake up now you pig! Your man is about to kill me!' Alarmed and wide-eyed Justin looked at Chang with resentment, trying to calm himself before he looked back into the pair of serious eyes boring into his. "Dude that's cold you wouldn't really do that." 'Would you?' Silently he asked himself the last part swallowing hard.

Slowly raising an eyebrow, with the faint hint of a smile Jian silently stroked Chang's hair. In Justin's eyes at the moment the two looked like an evil boss stroking his loyal equally evil feline.

"My lips are zipped." Finally grasping the severity of it all, Justin drew two fingers in a zipping formation while closing his mouth in demonstration.

"Good." While the pressure coming from him relaxed Justin still felt like it was time to leave and give the crouching tiger in the room some space.

'Well I will remember, but I'm not gonna tell him that, I still rather like living.' " Well, I'm gonna go hit the sack and try not to be hung over all day before my flight." As he rose he heard the other man grunt again in acknowledgement.

Once at the doorway Justin turned back and saw the tender look in Jian' s eyes as he silently cupped Chang's . 'Yeah I'm glad you got a good one girl, even if he is a bit of a tyrant, treasure him. " Smiling to himself Justin closed the door and flopped face first.

Sitting there for a moment Liang Jian Amal digested Justin' s words while looking at her small red face. Just how had she been living for the past almost year and a half..

"Come on, sit up for me a little, there you go good girl." Worrying about her causing tension in her neck from her position, Liang Jian Amal coaxed the bleary Chang up before hoisting her up in his arms. Once up she istinctively curled her arms around his neck and buried her head on his shoulder as he carried her to her bedroom.

Holding her in his arms, he was reminded at how frail and delicate she seemed now, even more so than normal. Her shoulder curled into his hand felt small and fragile, as if she was barely more than skin and bones.

Gently laying her on the bed, her short inky hair spread on the white pillow behind her, highlighting her face's redness. Beside her head her hands lay curled up, while her brows remained furrowed, as if she was having an unpleasant dream.

Once laid down, he unbuttoned her slacks and pulled them off before working on her blouse to help her breathe and cool down. Walking into her bathroom he found a small cloth to wet and wipe her down with it. After rinsing it he folded and placed it on her forehead to cool her down.

He had already seen and noticed it but it still shocked him at how thin and pale she had become. Almost a shade of who she once was. The black lace of her camisole and panties only further enunciated it.

Gently dusting his fingers across her pronounced clavicles he sighed.

'What am I going to do with you...' Whispering at her he removed a stray hair that clung to her cheek before rising up.

As long as they were alive there was still time for mending the gap between them. Time for her heart to heal. As his hand reached the door he heard her call out faintly to him.

"Hey... wait. Where are you going?" Propping herself unsteadily on one arm as she dazedly grabbed at the wet cloth falling from her forehead.

"What is it?" Turning slightly to face her he kept his hand on the door knob.

"Will you stay with me, please?" In a small voice Chang spoke honestly while looking up at his tall lean figure.

"Yes, just give me a moment love to take care of something." Pleasantly surprised by her words it took Liang Jian Amal a second to answer. Though even if she had not said anything he had planned on returning.

"Really?" As if a different answer would be given Chang looked at him a little bit with a mix of surprise and maybe more on her face. Maybe a little hurt already from a past scar, or saddened already at the thought of failed expectation. Either way it pained Liang Jian Amal to see her looking at him like that.

"I will be back, to stay with you. For as long as you want me to."

"You promise?"

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