Siren Song

195 Whispered Words

Stumbling in the dark in her mad dash Chang felt her toes on one foot collide against the jam with great force. Immediately the shock ran up her leg like a thunderbolt drawing a string of curses from her mouth while holding on to them, trying to stifle the eye-watering pain.

"Merde ooh, it hurts so bad." Puffing out her cheeks, Chang tried to breathe through the pain, trying to tell herself it didn't hurt that bad.

Limping carefully with the one foot's toes in the air, Chang took care of the need that caused her injury. Once finally relieved, Chang grumbled to herself about drinking too much wine before bed, before turning on a small light to inspect the damage.

Already she could feel a warm wetness growing over a few of her toes on the right foot. Once able to see, Chang gasped at the bloody sight that had started to already stain her white floors with little splatters coming from the doorway.

Searching under the sink for her medical kit, Chang turned on the water in the tub to clean up her foot to see exactly how bad it was.

Wincing she gingerly eased her throbbing toes into the lukewarm water, whimpering a little at the painful stinging situation. Sitting on the wide lipped edge, Chang looked down and wondered if she had removed her own clothes drunkenly.

"What happened?" From behind her came Jian's voice causing her to jump a little before turning to look at him slightly.

'Mystery solved I guess..'

"Let me see, where are you hurt?" Seeing the blood splatters on the floor and her crouched on the edge with tears in her eyes Liang JianAmal rushed over quickly. He had awoken hearing her curse, but hadn't thought too much of it at first until he heard her more and saw her turn on the light. Concerned that she may have seriously hurt herself as the alcohol would still be in her system, he arose only to find his concerns justified.

"What did you do to yourself Chang?"

Lifting her foot from the water with tears threatening to spill from her eyes she put it on the edge and looked at almost naked man rushing over to her quickly.

"I stubbed my toes." Sniffling a little Chang closely inspected the damage she did to a few of the nails on her right foot now that it was clean.

"Ah, its not so bad, here let me help." Audibly sighing aloud with relief Jian sat on the edge next to her took her foot and put her foot on his leg right below where his undershorts came to.

"No you don't have to do that, you'll get blood on you."

"Hush. Just be good and don't fight me. "


"It's ok, thank you Jian." Smiling at him, Chang tucked some of her messy hair behind her ear grateful he was there to help.

He was always there when she needed him. Even now he held her foot in his lap personally treating her own self- inflicted injury in the middle of the night. Looking at him diligently and carefully wrapping her toes which were already trying to bleed again. Smiling down she felt a painful swelling in her hearts. Always.

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