Siren Song

85 A Sickly Sweet Smell

'Ooh, that looks good.'

Seeing her approach the man started to call out to her.

"My lady, come here!" She understood most what the man was telling her from all her practice. "These are very, good, very fresh! Come buy my products!"

"How much?" She gestured with her hands asking how much for a couple small bags, her mother loved pistachios too. The man stared at her hands for a half a second before snapping back up to her face light gleaming in his eyes.

"Very good only 40 dinars." The man held up 4 fingers as he spoke.

"that price seem kind of high 30 would be more better would it not?" Chang rebutted hearing the man's high quote for the nuts and started to lightly haggle with the man. After a few minutes the two settled on the price of 32 dinars and as she set the coins on the counter he filled two sacks full of nuts for her.

The man gave her an appreciative look as he handed her the bags.

"My lady is an expert haggler and carries a shrewd eye, your family is blessed to have such a clever young lady. Would you perhaps be interested in marrying my son, he's a good strong lad and not too bad looking on the eyes."

Chang giggled covering her mouth with her fist.

"Sorry but I am already happily married."

The man openly tsked at the misfortune, "well you remember if he turns out to be no good you come back to me. In fact little lady let me give you a special gift, come with me inside my storehouse, I dont want people to think I've gone soft and give stuff away to just anyone!"

The man shuffled inside the small squat building that sat right behind his stall. Chang hesitated momentarily and saw that her mother and Jin Ying were were not too far away munching on Şekerpare1 happily.

'Ooh, that looks good I'll have to get some of that after this.' Chang thought to herself as she followed the man into the building.

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