Siren Song

86 Make A Way

They grabbed the first person they could find and had them bring them to Liang Jian Amal. He was with Hakim Al-hassan discussing the best way to go about the disappearances. Liang Jian Amal was in the middle of explaining why they couldn't just have soldiers patrolling the streets at all times when he saw Li Hua and Hao Jin Ying bust in with a maid.

Li Hua ran up to him and grabbed the front of his shirt aggrieved.

"We cant find Xiao Xie. She was with us in the market earlier, then she suddenly disappeared, we were looking for awhile but we cant find her." Li Hua's voice started to crack and her eyes watered as she tried to explain.

Lian Jian Amal narrowed his eyes hearing this.

"When exactly, where at?" He questioned his voice rising in volume unintentionally.

Li Hua was unable to answer as she had started to break down. Hao Jin Ying came and put a comforting arm around the older woman's shoulders and answered for her.

"About an hour ago, we were in the area with a lot of food vendors. We checked around in case she had just gravitated to another food vendor further down the line, but it's as if she just vanished into thin air."

He clenched his fists hearing this "Post guards on all the main roadways and at the main gates out of here. Check any and all suspicious persons or things! Immediately!" He turned and called out to the guard captain who had been in the room with them. The man clapped a fist over his heart and hurried out. Muzdahir was an old city and had once been walled on all sides that were not backed up to the plateau to defend against ancient invaders. The walls had been mostly destroyed after the first world war, three giant gateways still remained as a remnant on the north, south, and west. Most traffic still flowed in and out as they were established paths to the nearest towns. The city still had a lot of open pathways someone could just disappear into the countryside from.

'One hour.'

A lot could happen in an hour. After sending the captain of the guards to inspect the exits, Liang Jian Amal shrugged of Li Hua's hands and hurried out of the room to grab a horse to join the search himself.

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