Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4433: terrifying amount of force

Chapter 4433 The amount of force to scare people to death

"Believe it or not, you'll find out in a while." Xiao Meng didn't justify anything, the facts were stronger than a glance.

Xiao Han snorted coldly and said, "Fuck you, I want to see how much force you have."

Xiao Han sighed, and then his body trembled, all the force burst out, and said leisurely: "It's not too much, just 10,000."

"One...10,000 Dao..." Xiao Han's eyes widened, looking at the force wandering around Xiao Han, his breathing almost stopped.

"How... how can this be done? He is really baptized?" Xiao Mian also looked at Xiao Han in disbelief.

These forces around Xiao Han's body are not only terrifying in number, but each of them is very powerful, and the profound energy contained in it is extremely powerful.

"Brothers, as I said before, just let them lie down for a few days." Xiao Han said lightly.

"Okay." Xiao Meng and the others all nodded, and then the force burst out and rushed over.

With the armor's defense, they are full of confidence. Xiao Han said that their armor can defend against at least 8,000 full-strength blows of force, so they don't need to care about defense, and focus on attacking, it is natural to occupy Advantage.

Xiao Han walked towards Xiao Han and said, "I gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it, you were too self-righteous, so it's too late now."

Xiao Han's face became extremely ugly. Facing Xiao Han's aura, Xiao Han knew very well that he would definitely not be able to beat him.

"We admit defeat!" Xiao Han's profound energy restrained.

Hearing Xiao Han's words, Xiao Meng and others who were about to start stopped. If Xiao Han, as the captain, directly conceded defeat, the entire team would be considered to have conceded defeat.

"It's really boring." Xiao Han shook his head.

Xiao Han's face was ugly, and it was a shame to admit defeat, but it was better than being severely injured.

"Hand over your tokens." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han handed over the token, and the rest of the people also handed it in honestly.

Xiao Tianhao, who was outside the space, saw Xiao Mian met Xiao Han, and directly conceded defeat, his face was extremely ugly.

More importantly, Xiao Han's current strength is really terrifying. There are 10,000 martial arts in the fourth level of Qi Wujing. I am afraid that the powerhouses of the family have noticed it.

After Xiao Han and the others conceded defeat, a teleportation force wrapped them up, and the figures of the eighteen people disappeared directly.

"Continue to Tianhuo." Xiao Han said.

Everyone continued to rush to Tianhuo, but there were no other teams on the way, and they arrived at Tianhuo smoothly.

However, there were four teams in Tianhuo, one of them belonged to the main vein, led by Xiao Yunfei, and there were three other teams, one belonged to the earth vein, and one belonged to the heaven vein.

The teams of the two leylines were led by two Qiwu realm seventh-level heavens, and the Tianmai team was led by a qiwujing eighth-level heaven.

At this time, these four teams are facing each other, and they have not yet fought under such a situation, so it should have not been long since they arrived.

The arrival of Xiao Han's team also attracted the attention of these four teams. Xiao Yunfei felt a little relieved when he saw that Xiao Han was here.

He has seen Xiao Han's strength, even if there is a guy in the eighth level of Qiwu realm in Tianmai, he should be able to handle it.

Xiao Yunfei didn't know how much Xiao Han's force was, but she knew that before Xiao Han's baptism, Xiao Han's force was more than 7,000. After the baptism, Xiao Han's force should be at least 9,000.

"Is it so lively here?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

He still didn't have a bad impression of Xiao Yunfei. Besides, it was a clan now, and everyone belonged to the main line. Naturally, they belonged to the same boat. No matter what, they had to unite.

Xiao Yunfei smiled and said, "You came at the right time. If you came a little later, I might be eaten by them."

"You look so beautiful, it's normal for them to eat you." Xiao Han joked.

Xiao Yunfei rolled her eyes and said, "Shouldn't you be beautiful and cherish jade?"

"Pretty is beautiful, but now it's a clan meeting. The elders are watching, like pity and cherish jade. After the clan meeting is over, it will definitely be finished." Xiao Han smiled.

"There is still such a weak team in the main vein that has not been eliminated? It's a miracle." The captain of one of the Leyline's teams smiled contemptuously.

This person's name is Xiao He, the peak of Qiwu Realm Seventh Heavenly Layer.

"Miracle?" Xiao Yunfei glanced at Xiao Han after hearing this, and said meaningfully, "It is indeed a miracle."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "No way, maybe in the first round, the other teams were too weak, and luckily entered the second round."

"Then you won't have such good luck next time, and your clan will end here." The captain of another team in the Leyline said disdainfully.

This person's name is Xiao Peng, the peak of Qiwu Realm seventh heaven.

Xiao Han said: "Maybe, but who knows what hasn't happened yet, maybe I'm lucky?"

"Relying on luck won't go far, both of your main teams will be eliminated." Xiao He said.

Xiao Han looked at Tianmai and said, "Did you make a mistake? If you want the elixir of this day's volcano, should you eliminate the strongest one first?"

Xiao Peng said: "Are you an idiot? Brother Xiao Yuan's strength is something we can contend with? It would be good if he didn't come to eliminate us."

Xiao He said to the captain of this team in Tianmai: "Brother Xiao Yuan, we will hand over these two teams to us. After eliminating them, we will leave immediately."

Xiao Yuan said: "You two are acquainted with each other."

Seeing Xiao Yuan's aloof attitude, Xiao Han shook his head and said, "You two are really useless, how can you become a great player? Forget it, let's eliminate your two teams first."

"Hey, I'm really not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue, but I dare to say such arrogant words." Xiao He snorted coldly.

"Give you a chance to admit defeat. After a while, there will be a fight, but there will be no chance to admit defeat." Xiao Han said.

"So arrogant, then I really want to know why you didn't give me a chance to admit defeat." Xiao He shouted, all 8,800 martial forces burst out, and rushed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han held the Xuanyou halberd and attacked it. He swung the Xuanyou halberd and smashed it. Eight thousand five hundred profound energy burst out in an instant, all of which were condensed on the Xuanyou halberd.

A spear pierced out of Xiao He's hand and collided with Xiao Han's Xuan Youji. At that moment, Xiao He's body retreated backwards.

Xiao He was suddenly shocked. Xiao Hanqi had eighty-five hundred profound energy in the fourth level of the Martial Realm, which was even less than him, but why did he fall behind with this blow?

Xiao Han swung the Xuan Youji and stabbed it again. At this moment, Xiao Han's force suddenly reached 9,000.

All the profound energy condensed at this moment, Xiao He's heart trembled suddenly, how come there are 9,000 more?

Is this some kind of secret method used?

In the face of the blow from Xiao Han's nine thousand martial arts, Xiao He felt a huge pressure, and he had to go all out to be able to resist this blow.

Xiao He's spear waved, his profound energy condensed frantically, and he shouted, "Ji Scale Snake Emperor, come out!"

Xiao He's spear pierced, and at this moment, a giant python rushed out from the spear. The giant python opened its **** mouth and charged towards Xiao Han with a terrifying aura.


The Bi-scale Snake Emperor collided with Xiao Han's Xuan You Ji, and the Xuan You Ji was domineering and passed through the mouth of the Bi-scale Serpent Emperor, directly piercing the entire Bi-Scale Serpent Emperor.


The body of the Bi-scale Snake Emperor exploded, and Xiao Han's Xuanyou halberd was like a broken bamboo, killing Xiao He.

Xiao He was shocked in his heart, and immediately resisted with a spear, but he was still shocked by the Xuan Youji, and he felt that his blood was surging, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Xiao Han said: "Just this little strength? Didn't you shout very loudly just now?"

Xiao He's face was extremely ugly, "What secret method did you use?"

"Secret technique?" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "What secret technique do you think I used?"

"Otherwise, why are you so powerful?" Xiao He said.

"Because he was baptized when he was in Xuanchi." Xiao Yunfei said.

"What?" Xiao He and Xiao Peng were both shocked.

Even Xiao Yuan, who had dismissed Xiao Han and others before, was startled for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Han with incredible eyes.

"How is that possible?" Xiao Peng asked.

"I saw it with my own eyes, it's just that the news was blocked, and no one knows about it except those in the main line." Xiao Yunfei said with a smile: "Do you think he is so easy to bully if he only has the fourth level of Qi and Martial Realm? Now you know him Why are you so confident?"

"When you came here, Xiao Han of your leyline directly conceded defeat. His force has already reached 9,300, and you are far worse than him." Xiao Meng said.

"Xiao Han just conceded defeat..." Xiao Peng was completely stunned.

"You can go see him after you are eliminated." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han said: "Ask you again, do you admit defeat yourself, or do I do it? Although the ending is the same, the process is different."

Xiao Han's force erupted again, reaching 10,000!

Seeing that Xiao Han's force increased again, even reaching 10,000, even that Xiao Yuan's eyes were straightened.

" did you do it?" Xiao Yuan trembled a little.

Even Xiao Yunfei and the others were completely shocked when they saw Xiao Han's force. They knew that Xiao Han's force must be a lot, but they didn't expect it to reach 10,000.

"We admit defeat..." Xiao He lowered his head. Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit defeat in the face of such a gap.

Xiao Han looked at Xiao Yuan and said, "Do you still want to fight?"

Xiao Yuan calmed down, his face became solemn, and said: "Of course, you have 10,000 martial arts, and I also have 9,600 martial arts, how can I not fight?"

Xiao Han shook his head and said, "It's really troublesome."

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