Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4434: Tian volcano

Chapter 4434 Sky Volcano

Xiao Yuan's force broke out, and all the 9,600 martial forces were condensed. Facing Xiao Han, he could only fight with all his strength.

Xiao Han's 10,000 martial powers are also condensing, saying: "Since you want to fight, let's give you a treat."

Before Xiao Han's strength, the silver rays of light were also condensing, running the martial arts of good fortune and martial arts, and slapped Xiao Yuan directly with a palm.

"Fortune and sorrow palm!"

A huge palm slapped Xiao Yuan fiercely, and the sky was rumbling, very powerful and terrifying.

Xiao Yuan felt the tremendous pressure, and all the power condensed together, shouting: "Tianyuan whirlwind fist!"

Xiao Yuan punched out, and a fist wind swept away like a whirlwind. The whirlwind was very fast, with a terrifying tearing force, and it collided with Xiao Han's attack in an instant.


Xiao Yuan's attacks were tearing apart frantically, but Xiao Han's palm remained motionless, constantly crushing it.


Xiao Yuan's fist was crushed, and the whole body was blown away by the strong force of Xiao Han.


Xiao Yuan collided with the Tianshan volcano and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Xiao Han said: "Are you satisfied now?"

Xiao Yuan's face was extremely ugly, could he not be able to withstand a single blow?

"I admit defeat." Xiao Yuan lowered his head and said.

"Go away, go away." Xiao Han waved his hand.

Immediately, a force enveloped the three teams that conceded defeat, and was teleported out very quickly.

"It's quiet now." Xiao Han smiled.

Xiao Yunfei said, "I didn't expect that your current strength has risen to this level. If you encounter Xiao Yanyu, can you fight against him?"

Xiao Han said: "Maybe."

"Then what about the volcano this day? Are you planning to drive us away and enjoy it alone?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

"How can it be, since everyone is in the main vein, it is natural to unite. Let's take down this volcano together, and then the medicine pill will be divided into half." Xiao Han said.

"Then don't you lose money?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

Xiao Han said: "If you always care about whether the effort and the gain can be directly proportional, wouldn't it be too tiring?"

"It makes sense, you made me admire again." Xiao Yunfei said.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Are you complimenting me?"

"Are the beauties around you away, are you bold?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

Xiao Han said: "I have nothing to do with them."

"It doesn't matter? I don't look like it." Xiao Yunfei stared at Xiao Han with strange eyes.

Xiao Han smiled bitterly and said, "Do we have to discuss this issue? Are we going to enter the Tianshan Mountain to get the medicine pill now?"

"Let's go." Xiao Yunfei did not continue to grumble.

Xiao Han waved his hand, and Xiao Meng and the others followed.

"Have you already obtained the armor in the foggy forest?" Xiao Yunfei asked, looking at the armor on Xiao Meng and the others.

Xiao Han nodded, "I just came over there."

"Then why don't you?" Xiao Yunfei asked curiously.

Xiao Han said: "I want to test the defense power of that armor and destroy it directly. That armor can withstand more than 8,000 force attacks. My own defense is better than this, so I have the same."

When Xiao Yunfei heard this, he was speechless for a while. He destroyed a piece of armor like that. It was a waste of resources to say it so easily.

Saying this, they arrived at the crater of the volcano that day. The volcano has stopped erupting, but the temperature inside is still relatively high.

This day, the volcano is like a natural alchemy furnace. Putting the medicinal herbs in it will improve the quality of the medicinal herbs even if they are stored.

"There are a lot of monsters in the foggy forest, I don't know what will be there, let's go." Xiao Han said.

The two teams entered the Tianhuo volcano together. The temperature inside is really unusually high. Everyone must protect their bodies with profound energy to withstand this high temperature.

"It seems that we have to fight quickly. The consumption of profound energy in this is not small." Xiao Han said.

Xiao Yunfei nodded. Everyone fell to the ground. The temperature of the ground was also very high. Only when it was wrapped in profound energy would it not be ignited.

In the volcano, only a part of the place can be settled, other places are magma, and the fiery red magma is flowing. If it falls in, once the profound energy protection body is lost, there will be absolutely no bones left.

"Where is the medicinal pill?" Xiao Yunfei looked around and asked.

Xiao Han said: "Judging from the experience in the foggy forest, it will definitely not be placed somewhere, but on the body of the existence that will attack us soon."

Just after Xiao Han's voice fell, bubbles suddenly rolled up in the magma, and then the magma exploded, and fiery red figures appeared one after another.

These fiery red figures are all huge crocodiles, and these crocodiles are like the condensed magma.

The magma was continuously exploding, and more and more crocodiles rushed out, and then rushed towards Xiao Han and others.


Xiao Han shouted, and all the thirty-six people shot.

Xiao Han and Xiao Yunfei fought at the front, and the other thirty or forty people were behind to deal with the crocodiles separately.

The breath of each crocodile is not very strong, just like the monsters in the foggy forest, but it can't stop the large number, and it is constantly rushing out of the magma.

It seems that as long as there is that lava, these crocodiles will not stop appearing.

Xiao Han only used profound energy to protect his body. When he shot, he did not use profound energy. Instead, he used external refining power. The silver rays of light kept erupting, and he kept killing the crocodile with the mysterious halberd.

"When will you be able to kill so many crocodiles?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

Xiao Han said: "There will definitely be big guys coming out. Now we just have to keep killing these crocodiles. After the big guy comes out, kill the big guy to get the medicine pill."

Xiao Han guessed that this should be similar to the foggy forest.

There were constantly crocodiles rushing out of the magma. Xiao Han and others did not know how many crocodiles were killed. After each crocodile was killed, it would turn into magma.

After fighting for a while, more crocodiles appeared, and the frequency of crocodiles appeared faster and faster.

Almost a group of crocodiles rushed together. This scene looked terrifying, and for many people, the consumption of profound energy was still a bit large. If it continued, it would be difficult to even resist this heat.

Xiao Han waved the Xuanyou halberd and swept continuously, at a very fast speed, and helped others to get rid of some crocodiles.

"There are more and more crocodiles, and the consumption is too much." Xiao Yunfei became anxious.

"It seems to be more troublesome than the foggy forest." Xiao Han frowned slightly.

The foggy forest is only a problem of sight, and it does not consume profound energy, but here, the consumption of profound energy is indeed a bit large, and it is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

After Xiao Han looked at the situation, he said: "In this way, you bring them all up, leave it to me here first, and I will deal with it."

Xiao Yunfei said, "Can you handle it alone? In this way, let them go up, and I'll deal with it together with you. If it really doesn't work, I'll go up again."

"Alright." Xiao Han nodded.

"You all go up first." Xiao Yunfei said.

"We can still hold on for a while." Xiao Meng said.

Xiao Han said: "If you can't hold on, go up, and if you can hold on, stay and continue to fight."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

As more and more crocodiles appeared, some people couldn't hold it anymore, so they rushed out.

"Let's go up first." Xiao Meng couldn't take it anymore, his profound energy was running low, and it would be troublesome if he didn't go up.

In the end, only Xiao Han and Xiao Yunfei were left. Xiao Han glanced at Xiao Yunfei and said, "Is it alright?"

"I can still persevere." Xiao Yunfei is also relatively strong.


At this time, the magma began to roll violently, and then continued to rise. In the process of rising, the magma gradually formed a huge magma man.

Looking at the magma man, Xiao Yunfei's expression changed, the magma man's aura was very strong, and it was very difficult to deal with.

Xiao Han said: "Now the big guy is out, you leave first, leave it to me here."

"Can you?" Xiao Yunfei asked.

Xiao Han said: "Then you come?"

"Forget it." Xiao Yunfei rolled his eyes and said, "Be careful yourself, if it doesn't work, give up."

"How can a man say no?" Xiao Han said.

"I'm still joking at this time, I'm going up." Xiao Yunfei stabbed Xiao Han and said.

After Xiao Yunfei went up, Xiao Han stared at the huge magma man and said to himself, "It's really hard to deal with, this magma man doesn't seem to be able to attack with Martial Spirit, it seems that he can only force it."

Xiao Han first sacrificed the God of Fortune Bell, and then displayed the Shadow of Fortune, and a huge bell shadow shrouded the magma man.

The magma man roared, and a huge magma hand came out and slapped towards Fortune Bell Shadow.

The fortune bell hummed, but it didn't shatter, it was still shrouded, and the magma man slapped the fortune bell with both hands at the same time.

Under this blow, Fortune Zhongying couldn't bear it and was shattered.

Xiao Han was a little surprised when he saw this scene, so powerful?

"Zhongming Tianbo!"

Xiao Han shouted loudly, the God of Fortune bell hummed, and a powerful sound wave impacted.

The body of the magma man was crushed by the sound wave, but he recovered quickly. As long as the magma man was in the magma, he was definitely immortal.

"How to deal with this? It must be the key point. As long as the key point is attacked, the magma man will definitely be solved." Xiao Han thought quickly in his heart.

A pair of eyes wandered constantly on the magma man, observing the magma man's situation and looking for its weaknesses.

The magma man opened his mouth and spewed out a flame. The temperature of the flame was so high that it seemed to melt everything. Xiao Han did not dare to take it hard, and immediately dodged quickly.

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