Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4454: Re-entry into Xuanchi

Chapter 4454 Re-entering the Xuanchi

After this discussion of Taoism ended, it was time for Xuanchi to open again.

The last time, the Tianmai entered the Xuanchi first, this time it became the main vein and entered the Xuanchi. If the patriarch changed, then naturally everything had to change.

Three days later, Xuanchi opened.

All the juniors of the trunk line who are going to participate in the five clan convention have all entered the Xuanchi.

Xiao Han and the others had the experience of entering Xuanchi for the first time, so this time entering Xuanchi was naturally familiar.

"Let's start with Baijing Profound Liquid, we will sweep the Profound Liquid areas one by one, and strive to be baptized." Xiao Han said.

"Whatever happens this time, we will all have to be baptized." Mei Liangde was gearing up, ready to work hard.

After going through the last incident, Xiao Yanyu, Xiao Yanwu and the others were also much calmer. They didn't go directly to the Black Crystal Profound Liquid area. They started from the White Crystal Profound Liquid area as Xiao Han thought.

Xiao Yanyu also made up his mind, this time he must be baptized, so that he can accumulate more, and then he will perform even better at the Five Clan Conference and become famous in one fell swoop.

Now in the main vein, the clansmen of the Qiwu Realm Jiuzhongtian realm all want to be baptized successfully when the Xuanchi is opened this time. This is the fastest way to improve their strength.

Xiao Han's eight people still have some profound liquid in their hands, which is naturally no problem to use to attract profound crystal beasts. In addition, their current strength has improved a lot compared to the last time, and hunting profound crystal beasts is even more important. It's so easy.

Now, everyone is racing against time to **** the Profound Crystal Beast. After Xiao Han and the others saw the current form, they all acted separately.

After obtaining the White Crystal Profound Origin Stone and the Yellow Crystal Profound Origin Stone, Xiao Han and the group of eight went to hunt down the jade crystal, aquamarine, red crystal, and amethyst profound crystal beasts respectively, and then put all the acquired profound origin stones on the ground. Together, let's see if a few people can be baptized.

Xiao Han and Su Qiu, Savage and Xia Mu, Situ Mu and Jun Mochou, Mei Liangde and Qiu Lanqing set off like this.

Xiao Han and Su Qiu chose the red crystal area. The two kept looking for the red crystal area, and then used the black crystal mysterious liquid to attract the red crystal mysterious beast.

There is no problem for the two of them to hunt down these red crystal profound crystal beasts, and neither of them will leave unless they kill all the profound crystal beasts in an area.

The powerful ones seem to be competing for Profound Crystal Beasts, and the low power ones don’t have any other thoughts, it’s just that they can get more Profound Origin Stones.

However, according to the current situation, they can only hunt in the areas of Jade Crystal and Yellow Crystal. The more areas there are, the more chances of getting the Profound Origin Stone.

There are relatively few areas of aquamarine, red crystal, and amethyst, most of which are targeted by those with high levels, and basically those with low levels have nothing.

Black Crystal Profound Liquid area.

There is only one area in the entire Xuanchi, and now Xiao Yanyu, Xiao Yanwu, Xiao Yanqing and other Qiwu Realm Nine Heavens have come here.

They have already collected quite a few Profound Origin Stones, and only the Black Crystal Profound Origin Stone is left. Once they have obtained enough Black Crystal Profound Origin Stone, they can try to baptize.

Soon after, Xiao Han and others also arrived at the black crystal profound liquid area one after another. Facing the huge black crystal profound liquid area, they could only enter the profound liquid to find the black crystal profound crystal beast.

Xiao Han and the others have not yet fought against the black crystal mysterious beast, and they are all looking forward to it.

Xiao Han and Su Qiu entered the mysterious liquid to look for the black crystal mysterious beast. After searching for a long time, they finally found a black crystal mysterious beast. The two faced the black crystal mysterious beast in the mysterious liquid. shot.

The aura of the black crystal profound crystal beast is very powerful. If it is converted into force, it is at least 15,000 or 6,000. If you fight in the profound liquid, using the advantages of the profound liquid, the combat power of the black crystal profound crystal beast will be even higher. powerful.

Xiao Han and Su Qiu fought fiercely with the Black Crystal Profound Crystal Beast with one main attack and one assist. Xiao Han used these various means to successfully kill the first Black Crystal Profound Crystal Beast.

"First-class Black Crystal Profound Origin Stone..." Su Qiu was a little disappointed.

"The first-class Black Crystal Profound Origin Stone is also the Black Crystal Profound Origin Stone." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"Okay." Su Qiu smiled.

The two continued to look for the Black Crystal Profound Crystal Beast, and soon found the Black Crystal Profound Crystal Beast. This time it was much easier than last time, and battles often broke out in the Black Crystal Profound Liquid area.

Xiao Han and Su Qiu also had a very tacit understanding, and it became easier and easier to deal with the black crystal mysterious beast.

Three days later, Xiao Han and Su Qiu beheaded ten black crystal profound crystal beasts. After that, the black crystal profound crystal beast was not found, and it is estimated that there are no more.

The eight Xiao Han met on the small island of the baptismal platform, and then gathered all the Profound Origin Stones together.

"It looks like it's enough for two or three people to be baptized." Meliande said while rubbing his chin.

Xiao Han said: "In this way, I have already been baptized, so I am baptized, and the savage does not need baptism. The remaining six of you decide who will be baptized by guessing fists. This is fair."

"It's possible, it all depends on luck." Meliande laughed.

"I'll just quit. After I am a holy beast, I have an advantage over you no matter what." Qiu Lanqing said with a smile.

"I also quit, I have the inheritance of saints." Situ Mu said.

Xiao Han knew what Qiu Lanqing and Situ Mu thought. They were all good friends, good brothers and good sisters. Naturally, they wanted to fulfill others.

However, this is not the time to let it go, and it will also be a burden for those who are let go.

"There is no need for comity, so even if someone is baptized, I feel uncomfortable. Only when the baptized person is selected fairly can everyone be happy." Xiao Han said.

"Yes, let's guess the boxing." Savage also said.

Xiao Han said with a smile: "You turn around, rock-paper-scissors decide."

Qiu Lanqing and Situ Mu didn't say any more. The six turned around and said savagely, "I'll be the referee."

"Listen to the password, rock-paper-scissors!" Savage said.

Mei Liangde and Situ Mu raised their hands, Situ Mu won the first round alone, and then Xia Mu won the second round.

"Hey, do you really have no relationship with Fat Master?" Mei Liangde pouted.

In the third round, Mei Liangde and Jun Mochou eliminated Su Qiu and Qiu Lanqing. The two had a showdown, and Mei Liangde really won.

"It seems that God is still very good to my fat man." Mei Liangde said.

Xiao Han said: "Then in the order of winning, Fatty, if you use more Profound Origin Stones in the front, you may not be able to baptize in the back. You have to prepare for this."

"You all save some use." Meliande said.

"Situ, you go." Xiao Han said.

Situ Mu walked up to the baptismal table and sat on the baptismal table. The seven kinds of Xuanyuan stones were put into the baptism table, and then the seven stone pillars were lit up. According to the lighting of the stone pillars, an appropriate amount of Xuanyuan stones was added to ensure that they could Baptism was successful.

Seven rays of light shot up into the sky, attracting the attention of many people at once.

"Who is this baptizing?"

"It's almost the same here, go take a look."

Many people came towards the baptismal table.

"She is baptizing." Xiao Yanyu landed on the island.

"There are so many Xuanyuan stones, it seems that more than one person can baptize." Xiao Yanqing was a little jealous, but he didn't dare to do it.


Soon, the light of the seven stone pillars enveloped Situ Mu at once, the baptism began, and a lot of power was poured directly into Situ Mu's body.

Situ Mu closed his eyes and ran the Dugu Sword Art. The sword energy all over his body burst out, covering his whole body, the sword stance was terrifying, and there was a giant sword behind him, which exuded terrifying power.

During this baptism, Situ Mu's aura continued to increase sharply, and he suddenly passed the fifth level of Qi Wujing and reached the sixth layer of Qiwujing.

After that, Situ Mu also continued to accumulate, and did not continue to improve his realm, mainly to accumulate force.

After half an hour, the baptism was over, and Situ Mu's breath gradually subsided.

"How much power has she raised?" Many people are very curious, what level can she achieve after baptism?

"How?" Xiao Han asked.

Situ Mu said: "It feels good, now I have 18,000 martial arts."

"That's an increase of more than 5,000 troops." Mei Liangde was extremely envious.

"Eighteen thousand ways, it's quite enough to deal with the ordinary Qiwu Realm Nine Heavens." Qiu Lanqing said.

Xiao Han said: "Xia Mu, it's your turn."

Xia Mu nodded, then went to the baptismal table and began to put the Xuanyuan Stone in the baptismal table, and the seven stone pillars were quickly lit up.

"It's not enough, I have to add a little more." Xiao Han said.

Then some more were added, and Meliande looked at the remaining Xuanyuan stones, it seemed that they were not enough for his baptism.

Xia Mu's baptism started soon, Xia Mu's ivy appeared, the ivy glowed with dazzling blue light, and on the ivy, a tender bud appeared.

At the same time, at this time, a larger ivy phantom appeared behind Xia Mu. After this ivy phantom appeared, a very powerful force erupted.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this scene. How could such a scene and aura appear?

"This is..." Qiu Lanqing froze for a moment, her pupils shrinking slightly.

"What?" Xiao Han looked at Qiu Lanqing and asked.

Qiu Lanqing settled down and said, "This ivy is very unusual. She should have a special bloodline in her body, right?"

"Her ivy is one with her, not a weapon, it's innate." Su Qiu said.

"Innate..." Qiu Lanqing confirmed her guess even more when she heard the words, "Is it possible that the blood of the demon race also flows in her body?"

This is what Qiu Lanqing said in his heart, such an important thing should not be said nonsense.

Xiao Han looked at the huge green vine behind Xia Mu. According to such power, he could also feel that there should be some kind of powerful force in Xia Mu's body, and this force was stimulated by this baptism.

Maybe Xia Mu himself doesn't know it?

"It seems that these little guys are not simple." In the forbidden area of ​​the Xiao family, a pair of eyes looked at this scene of Xuanchi, and felt a little incredible.

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