Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4455: who's sparring

Chapter 4455 Who is who's sparring

Xia Mu's baptism also lasted for about half an hour, rising from the fifth level of Qi Wujing to the sixth layer of Qiwujing. After Qingteng's baptism, the blue light became more and more intense.

Xia Mu also felt something different, but he couldn't tell, just very comfortable.

"How?" Xiao Han asked.

"The force has reached 17,000." Xia Mu said.

"What happened to your Qingteng?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

Xia Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know either, Qingteng was born, and when I was not cultivating, some people regarded me as a monster. Later, my master accepted me as a disciple. Since I cultivated, I can control Qingteng to become a my weapon of battle."

"So you are an orphan?" Xiao Han was a little surprised.

"It's because you didn't care enough about me, did you only know at this time?" Xia Muyou complained.

Xiao Han coughed awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry..."

"Forget it, I'm used to it," Xia Mu said.

"I said, you don't have to grind here, think about what I should do, my Profound Origin Stone is not enough for baptism." Mei Liangde was worried.

I finally got a chance to be baptized, but it seems like I'm going to fail again.

"This... it seems that baptism is really not enough, or... why don't you take all the Xuanyuan Stones back to practice?" Xiao Han said with a smile.

"What are you kidding?" Mei Liangde said, "Xia Mu and Situ are both your women. You are obviously putting more emphasis on **** than friends."

"Who is his woman?" Situ Mu said coldly.

Meliande said: "It's okay, okay, what's the use of not admitting it?"

"Why don't we hunt down some more mysterious crystal beasts?" Xiao Han said.

"Then hurry." Meliande urged.

"Captain, I have some Xuanyuan Stone here, why don't you take it?" At this time, someone stood up and said.

This is the time of the clan meeting, a member of Meliande's team.

"I have it here too, take it too."

"And mine."

At this time, the members of Meliande's team took the initiative to take out the Xuanyuan Stone.

Mei Liangde was a little surprised. He really didn't expect these people to give up these Profound Origin Stones to help him.

"Why is this so embarrassing? You don't need to practice?" Mei Liangde asked in a tangled manner.

"We can't improve much by using these Profound Origin Stones, and we don't have much power at the Five Clan Conference. If you are baptized, then you can make a big contribution to the Xiao family at the Five Clan Conference." Someone said.

"Captain, my Profound Origin Stone also contributed." Xiao Meng said.

"If you keep it, you can improve your strength no matter what," Xiao Han said.

"Our main veins are a whole, one prosper and one loss all suffer. If we can make limited resources play a greater role, what does it matter if we sacrifice some personal interests?" Xiao Meng said.

When everyone present heard Xiao Meng's words, they all fell into contemplation.

"Captain, let's take all our Profound Origin Stones." The other team members said.

"We can't contribute to the Five Clan Conference in terms of strength, but if we can provide some help, we also contribute."

"Yes, this is also our contribution. If you defeat one more person for us during the Five Clan Conference, then that honor will also have our share."

Xiao Han was very moved when he heard this. He clasped his fists and said solemnly, "Xiao Han thanks everyone for your help. We will do our best at the Five Clan Conference and we will never disappoint you."

"Fat man!" Xiao Han shouted.

Mei Liangde came over immediately, clasped his fists and said: "Everyone, Fat Master, I won't say much else, let's see how Fat Master I will clean up those guys at the Five Clan Conference, thank you all."

With that said, Mei Liangde collected the Profound Origin Stones. With these Profound Origin Stones, the baptism is almost the same.

Mei Liangde went to the baptismal table and put all the Xuanyuan stones into the baptismal table. The seven stone pillars were lit up, but there was no baptism for a long time, and Mei Liangde was a little panicked.

"It's still not enough..." Meliande frowned.

"Take it." At this time, Xiao Yanyu threw a lot of Profound Origin Stones.

Xiao Han and others were extremely surprised, Xiao Yanyu would actually help them?

"Are you enough?" Xiao Han asked.

"Enough." Xiao Yanyu said.

Xiao Han said: "Thank you!"

"I'm not helping you anymore, I'm helping the Xiao family, helping the main vein." Xiao Yanyu said.

Xiao Han said: "No matter what, I owe you a favor."

"Since I owe me a favor, can I make a condition?" Xiao Yanyu said.

"you say."

"After leaving Xuanchi, as my sparring partner, I need to hone melee combat, and you are the best opponent." Xiao Yanyu said.

"No problem." Xiao Han readily agreed.

After Mei Liangde received the Xuanyuan Stones sponsored by Xiao Yanyu, he was baptized smoothly, and his realm was raised to the sixth level of Qi Wujing, and the number of martial arts reached 17,000.

"It's really cool, just come a few more times." Meliande has a feeling of unfinished business.

Xiao Han rolled his eyes and said, "How many more times do you want to come? Insatiable greed."

"As a human being, there is always greed." Mei Liangde said with a smile.

Afterwards, Xiao Yanyu also went to the baptismal table and put all the Xuanyuan stones into the baptismal table. The seven stone pillars were quickly activated, and the light of the seven stone pillars soon enveloped Xiao Yanyu.

Xiao Yanyu was baptized by the baptismal table. After half an hour, Xiao Yanyu's baptism was over, and his aura changed.

"Twenty-eight thousand martial powers..." Xiao Yanyu said to himself, feeling extremely excited.

At the peak of the Qi Martial Realm Nine Heavens, no one can surpass 30,000 in the amount of force, and 29,999 is the limit.

Now he has 28,000 Dao, which means that his will be able to compete with the top existences among the five major families.

After that, Xiao Yanwu and Xiao Yanqing also completed their baptisms one after another, and the amount of force both reached 25,000, which is quite good.

This time, six people have completed the baptism of Ganmai, which has never happened since Xuanchi appeared.

After everyone in the main vein came out of Xuanchi, the news spread in the rest of the mountain range. The baptism of six people was a subversive innovation.

The Heavenly Vessel, Earth Vessel and Kun Vessel are all unbelievable.

Three days after the end of the main vein, the people from the Tianmai entered the Xuanchi.

Seven days later, news came out that four people in Tianmai had been baptized, and Xiao Fengdai, Xiao Fengjue, Xiao Fengyun, and Xiao Fenghao had all accepted the baptism.

Xiao Fenghua's amount of force has almost reached its limit. There is no difference between baptism and non-baptism, so he gave the opportunity to other people.

The Earth Vessel and the Kun Veil entered the Xuan Pond, and three people were required to complete the baptism.

In a martial arts training ground in Ganmai, Xiao Yanyu and Xiao Han stood facing each other on the training ground.

Then the profound energy of the two of them burst out, and Xiao Yanyu's force exploded to 15,000, and he did not use his full strength.

"You still have 28,000 bursts." Xiao Han said.

"Can you bear the 28,000 Dao? Xiao Yanyu said.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "I'm here to be your sparring partner, and you are also my sparring partner. If I were to face an opponent with more than 20,000 forces at the Five Clan Conference, how should I deal with it? I have to adapt from now on."

"Okay, then come on." Xiao Yanyu burst out all 28,000 martial powers.

Xiao Han held the Xuanyou halberd, the first form changed, the profound energy condensed on the Xuanyou halberd, and the Xuanyou halberd shone with light.

The halberd in Xiao Yanyu's hand was also flickering with light, which was extremely dazzling, and then waved the halberd and stabbed towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han sprinted to meet him, and the two collided in an instant. Xiao Han's body retreated backwards. The difference between 28,000 and 14,000 martial arts was half. a very wide distance.

Xiao Han waved the Xuan Youji in his hand and took the initiative to attack, but it seemed that he was active, but he did not actually touch Xiao Yanyu head-on.

Xiao Yanyu has a huge advantage of profound energy, Xiao Han can only constantly test and dodge, and then wait for the opportunity to move, and Xiao Yanyu's way of facing Xiao Han is to constantly capture Xiao Han's movements.

However, he found that Xiao Han is indeed very experienced in close combat, and his prediction is very accurate. When his attack is killed, Xiao Han can avoid it and accurately predict the direction of his next attack. .

However, even so, Xiao Han was suppressed even when the gap in profound energy was so large, and he was unable to continue the fight in the end.

"I have become your sparring partner." Xiao Yanyu said with some dissatisfaction.

Xiao Han said: "You are wrong, what did you discover from the contest just now?"

Xiao Yanyu frowned slightly, then recalled the situation of the battle just now, and said, "Although my profound energy has a huge advantage, it still takes quite a few rounds to completely suppress you."

"So what?" Xiao Han asked.

Xiao Yanyu said: "Your ability to predict is stronger than mine, and I know this, but I didn't make timely adjustments, and the combat flexibility is not enough."

"Do you still think that you are my sparring partner?" Xiao Han said lightly: "You can discover your own problems from a battle, that is growth."

Xiao Yanyu laughed and said, "Although I feel that I have suffered a loss, it seems to make sense. Let's go on. This time I will use 20,000 profound energy."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded, he found that 28,000 profound energy was still too much, and he couldn't bear it all at once.

Immediately, the two continued to fight, this time Xiao Yanyu's profound energy advantage was not so great, and Xiao Han's attack became even more severe.

And Xiao Yanyu also learned from the first battle, this time he began to adapt to the situation in the battle and fight according to the situation of the battle.

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