Six Realms Conferred God

Chapter 4456: Endless Gate

Chapter 4456 Endless Gate

After Xiao Yanyu used only 20,000 lines of force, Xiao Han felt much more relaxed. Xiao Yanyu found that Xiao Han was even more difficult to deal with. Although he was flexible and changeable, it was still difficult to quickly suppress Xiao Han.

After a battle, Xiao Han was still invincible, but this was nothing to be happy about for Xiao Yanyu.

"What's the inspiration?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

Xiao Yanyu said: "You are indeed difficult to deal with. You are like an old fried dough stick on the battlefield. You can't figure it out. I'm very curious about what you have experienced."

Xiao Han said: "If you don't have the resources that come at your fingertips, then you have to work hard to seize them. If you survive in the cracks, you will naturally need means of survival. That's all."

"I hear you say it's insignificant, but I can imagine that it must be very difficult and exciting." Xiao Yanyu said: "Being in a big family does have many advantages. Compared with people born at the bottom of the martial artist, That's a lot luckier, but maybe not necessarily better than they live."

When Xiao Han heard Xiao Yanyu's words, he glanced at Xiao Yanyu in surprise.

When Xiao Yanyu saw Xiao Han looking at him with such eyes, he said, "Why are you looking at me like this? Do you think I shouldn't say such things?"

"A proud person like you would look down at those who were born at the bottom?" Xiao Han said.

Xiao Yanyu said: "To survive in such a big family, the competitiveness is not small. If you can't make yourself stronger, you will also be trampled by the rest of the family. You have come to the Xiao family not long ago, you should be able to feel it. to this pressure.”

"Although there are resources at hand, they are different, not everyone is the same. If the Xiao family is compared to a big tree, then the four veins are the four most important branches, and the four veins are the most important branches. Every saint-level powerhouse is a branch on this main branch, and the branch on this branch is the emperor under the saint-level..."

"Based on this calculation, our last generation is this tree full of leaves. If the branch where this leaf is located does not absorb enough nutrients and is not strong enough, then the leaves will wither."

"At the same time, the leaves on the same branch are also in constant competition. If they are not strong enough, other leaves will absorb the nutrients that belong to you, and you will eventually wither."

"You can understand this analogy. My ancestor Xiao Heyun has passed down countless descendants. If I don't become stronger, then someone will step on my shoulders and become stronger. This is the cruel reality."

Xiao Yanyu looked at Xiao Han and smiled bitterly: "I am indeed very proud, because I have stepped on so many people along the way, but standing at my height, I also understand that I am only in this vein stronger, In the entire martial artist world, what am I?"

When Xiao Han heard Xiao Yanyu's words, he also agreed very much. The Xiao family is a shrinking world of warriors, and the competition is cruel. What everyone sees is only the brilliance of many people, but they don't see that in some of the Xiao family. In the corner, there are some bullied people.

"If it wasn't for the Five Clan Conference, you could walk out of the Xiao family alone and have a real experience." Xiao Han said.

Xiao Yanyu nodded and said, "I will. After the five clan conference is over, I will go out to practice, and I will never return unless I become emperor."

Xiao Han saw the firmness in Xiao Yanyu's eyes, and knew that Xiao Yanyu was also someone who did what he said, and his willpower was stronger than he imagined.

This also made him understand that everyone should not be underestimated, everyone will have their own story, and if you don't understand it, you can't belittle yourself.

"After chatting so much and resting for so long, let's continue." Xiao Han smiled.

"Come on." Xiao Yanyu waved his halberd, and profound energy burst out.

The two collided violently.

Xiao Han and Xiao Yanyu spent seven days and seven nights discussing together. During this period of time, Xiao Yanyu continued to increase the amount of force, and Xiao Han was constantly adapting.

During this process, Xiao Yanyu's melee combat has been greatly improved, becoming more flexible and changeable, and has some very strange fighting thoughts.

And Xiao Han has adapted to the pressure under the powerful profound energy in the past few days. Under such circumstances, how to block these pressures.

However, Xiao Han still felt that in a situation where the difference in force was too great, it really confirmed that sentence. In the face of absolute strength, all struggles were futile.

"I still have to improve my own strength, otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with the competition under the huge gap." Xiao Han said to himself.

After seven days of sparring, Xiao Han continued to bury his head in training.

He used the Five Heart Swallowing Technique to practice, and the speed of absorbing profound energy was greatly improved.

A month later, Xiao Tianchen obtained a large amount of mysterious liquid and distributed it to Xiao Han and others, and every half a month, Yao Lao would allocate some liquid medicine for them to take a medicinal bath.

The main function of these medicinal liquids is to increase the speed at which they absorb profound energy, to open up their various tendons and veins, and to make cultivation more unimpeded.

After the second challenge and exchange discussion meeting, there are only three months before the five clan conference.

At this time, Xiao Heqiong received news from Zhanshen Xiao, and Xiao Heqiong came to the forbidden place where Zhanshen Xiao retreated.

He didn't go in, but stood at the door of a cave, and said respectfully: "He Qiong pays respect to the ancestors."

"There are still three months before the five clan conference. I also know about the situation of the juniors in the clan. Although there is an improvement, it is still not enough." The voice of Xiao Zhanshen came.

Xiao Heqiong heard the words and said, "I don't know what instructions the ancestors have?"

"I will open the gate of infinity." Xiao Zhanshen said solemnly.

"The Gate of Endless..." Xiao Heqiong shuddered when he heard the words.

After Xiao Heqiong left Zhanshen Xiao, he immediately summoned all the saints and above from the four veins to discuss the matter.

"I just came from my ancestors, and my ancestors called me over, and only said one thing, which is also a very important thing." Xiao Heqiong said very seriously.

Seeing Xiao Heqiong being so serious, the rest of the people were also a little curious, what did they say?

"The ancestors will open the gate of infinity in three days." Xiao Heqiong said.

"Endless Gate..." Everyone trembled, and their expressions changed.

Xiao Hetian said: "How did the ancestors think of opening the gate of infinity?"

"The ancestors felt that the younger generation of the Xiao family did not have enough experience and needed to strengthen their experience, and the general experience was not effective, and the progress was too slow. Only by opening the gate of infinity, can the younger generations grow up quickly." Xiao Heqiong said.

"Once you enter the gate of infinity, you have a life and death. Once something goes wrong, how do we deal with the Five Clan Conference?" Xiao Heyan said.

Xiao Heqiong said: "Since the ancestor decided to open the gate of infinity, he must have thought of all the pros and cons, and he will never be so casual."

"I think back then, we all entered the Endless Gate, and so many people entered, but less than half of them came back." Xiao Heshan sighed.

"High risk often leads to high reward." Xiao Tianchen said.

"Which one of us who came back alive then became the mainstay of the Xiao family? Although some of them died later, they are still famous."

Xiao Heqiong said: "Afterwards, our protection for the younger generation was too good, and the gate of infinity was not opened. Although the Xiao family members were prosperous and looked really strong, they had never been exposed to killing in the true sense. You won't really experience the cruelty of this world."

"Are all the people who participated in the five clan conference participating?" Xiao Hetian asked.

"The ancestors said that only those with a force of more than 10,000 can participate, and those with a force of less than 10,000 are cannon fodder, and there is no need to go." Xiao Heqiong said.

"Since the ancestors have already decided, then we have nothing to say. The ancestors will not joke about the fate of the Xiao family." Xiao Heyan said.

Xiao Heqiong said: "After you go back, gather all the qualified people and inform them of the situation of the Endless Gate, so that they can be mentally prepared."

"Yes." The rest of the three meridians nodded.

After the meeting was over and they went back, they proceeded according to the plan.

After Xiao Tianchen returned to his residence, he summoned Xiao Han and eight people to the hall.

"The ancestors made a major decision to open the gate of infinity." Xiao Tianchen went straight to the topic.

"What is the gate of infinity?" Xiao Han asked.

Xiao Tianchen said: "The Gate of Endlessness is the passage from my Xiao family to another world. It was a place discovered by an ancestor of the Xiao family a long time ago."

"I haven't been to that place. People of the patriarch's generation have entered. I have only seen descriptions of this aspect in ancient books. It is said that it is extremely dangerous and full of killing."

"Less than half of the people from the patriarch's generation who went in came back, and the rest were buried in the gate of infinity. And the ones who came out alive were undoubtedly not the pillars of the Xiao family, you look at them. The strength is known.”

When Xiao Han and others heard the words, they were all extremely surprised. Does the Xiao family still have such a place for experience?

Those people of the crane generation are now at least in the holy realm of Qi, and even if they have fallen, they were either emperors or saints, and they were all powerful.

It is incredible that an experience can make people grow so fast.

"That's all I can know, and you just need to remember that it's dangerous inside, come back alive." Xiao Tianchen solemnly explained.

"I'm looking forward to this kind of experience." Xiao Han said with a smile.

"It must be wonderful to be able to make people grow rapidly, even if it will be scarred and life-threatening." Savage is also full of expectations.

"Three days later, the gate of infinity will open. I will prepare it for you in the past few days and get some medicine pills and the like." Xiao Tianchen said.

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