Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 312 The upcoming sky realm (transition chapter)

Three years after the Fourth Holy Grail War ended.

At night, in a small town.

In a park on the outskirts of the city, there were not many people in the park because it was too late. As the weather gradually warmed up recently, my ears were filled with the noisy chirping of insects.

But today, the park is different from usual.

Even the common sounds of insects disappeared completely, and the entire park revealed an eerie and quiet atmosphere.


In the darkness, a huge foot stepped on the ground, but it made a splash as if it had stepped on some liquid.

Until the clouds and fog covering the moon dissipate, the scene inside the park can be seen clearly under the bright moonlight.

The originally empty park now looked in a mess, with countless broken limbs scattered on the ground, looking like some tragic battlefield or hell.

Combined with the dim street lights on the street, it was barely possible to clearly see the bright red blood flowing down the waterway like a stream.

Da da da.

Crisp footsteps came from a distance, and a pair of black combat boots appeared from the darkness, bringing a series of red footprints to the seat under the street lamp.

He carelessly threw down the body that was only half on the seat, and waved his hand. The blood on the seat dried quickly as if it had been baked by high temperature, until it turned into black traces.

He casually blew away the blood that had scratched the black powder. Looking at the slightly cleaner seat, the owner of the boots sat down without hesitation and let out a sigh of contentment.

"Huh! I'm exhausted. Counting today, you've been chasing me day and night for half a month, right?"

A calm voice sounded in the dark park, but there was no living creature around that could answer his words.

After resting on the seat for a while, he straightened up and revealed his face from the darkness, it was Zheng Shu.

Looking at the corpses all over the park, Zheng Shu also felt a little toothache.

"Are all people in the magic world mad dogs? Why don't you let me go if you catch me? I should have almost killed all the Clock Tower Legal Affairs Department, right? You dare to come and mess with me like this, how brave are you?"

Zheng Shu also felt a little helpless. He had always heard that being assigned a seal would be troublesome, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome.

Although the strength of these guys was not strong in his opinion, they were indeed annoying. They harassed him continuously for more than half a month, and even Zheng Shu's physique felt tired.

No wonder the people in the Xingyue world who were designated by the seal, no matter how strong they were, chose not to get involved with these guys in the end. It was not at all because of how powerful the clock tower was, but because these guys were just too annoying.

Now in Zheng Shu's eyes, these guys are no different from cockroaches that can fly up and pounce on his face. Although they won't cause any harm, they will make them sick after seeing them.

To talk about the reason why Zheng Shu got into trouble with the Clock Tower, we have to start a few months ago.

A few months ago, after the Holy Grail ended, Weber, who had been wandering outside for more than two years, felt that his teacher was almost done with his anger, so he finally returned to the Clock Tower.

But after returning to the Clock Tower, he got the bad news. Dear Professor Kenneth and his fiancée both died two years ago and never returned to the Clock Tower.

Since everyone knew that Professor Kenneth was leaving this time to attend a ceremony in the Far East, they all assumed that Kenneth's death was due to failure in the ceremony.

Although this kind of thing makes the family behind Kenneth very angry, it seems common to magicians. After all, several magicians die every year because of their magic rituals.

Especially like the magic ceremony in the Far East, it sounds like it requires several other magicians to participate in the sacrifice. It is completely normal to participate in it on your own and then die.

Of course, because of Kenneth's previous achievements, his death still made some people feel regretful.

Of course... the most important thing is that after Kenneth's death, the magic mark on his body was also sent back.

As a result, although many properties including the leased magic furnace were lost, and the Archibald family and the El-Melloi School were burdened with huge debts, the foundation of the family remained.

From a magician's perspective, no matter how talented Kenneth was during his lifetime, once he died, as long as his most important property could be saved, he would no longer be valuable.

At least judging from the information revealed in Weber's letter, the life of the El-Melloi School after he returned was not as miserable as in the original work.

Therefore, including the family behind Kenneth, the forces in the Clock Tower only briefly investigated the possible cause of his death and then closed the case, and then devoted themselves to the distribution of benefits after Kenneth's death.

After all, as the monarch of the Clock Tower, after Kenneth's death, he had a very large piece of fat.

However, the information that Weber brought back after returning to the Clock Tower disrupted this balance. For the Clock Tower, the death of a monarch because of his own troubles and the death of a monarch due to an assassination are completely different concepts. .

Although the former is less common, one or two unlucky people like this will appear every few years.

In any case like this, the most people would lament is that the monarch is unlucky and eager for quick success and so on.

But the latter is a provocation to the entire clock tower.

So after confirming the authenticity of what Weber said, the Clock Tower immediately sent people to investigate. As the earliest starting point that led to Kenneth's death, Fuyuki City is naturally within the scope of the investigation.

Then Zheng Shu was given the seal designation.

It's not that his identity as a servant has been discovered. After all, no one who knows Zheng Shu's identity at this stage will basically reveal his situation. Moreover, Fuyuki City is also the territory of the Tohsaka family, so the Clock Tower must also Follow the rules.

The reason why Zheng Shu was designated with a seal was because investigators from the Clock Tower discovered that Zheng Shu possessed divinity.

Zheng Shu could only admit that he was unlucky, because on the day the investigators arrived, he was finishing an important experiment of his and planned to leave the room where he had stayed for more than a month and go for a walk on the street to change his mood. It was discovered.

What is even more "coincident" is that one of the investigators who came had real contact with divinity, so he remembered the "flavor" of divinity.

When Zheng Shu thought of this, his teeth itched with hatred. With so many coincidences, it would be strange to say that there was nothing to cause trouble.

From this point of view, it is probably because those two restraining powers saw that he was too idle and wanted to find something to do to allow him to convert more magic power.

In short, with the push of the people behind the scenes, various coincidences stacked up together, and Zheng Shu was discovered by others to have something strange about himself.

The divinity that had become irreplaceable after the departure of the gods actually appeared in front of him. The group of magicians in the clock tower who were crazy about materials naturally put him on the seal designation.

The so-called seal designation is an operation in which magicians with rare talents or who violate taboos are detained and captured in the name of "protection" and imprisoned for life.

Generally, if a holder of magic (such as inherent barrier) or special ability that cannot be learned through learning is found due to blood or physique, the Magicians Association will treat them as "valuables" and "protect" them. The Magic Association arrests the magician who has been designated by the seal, so that he can keep his magic properties unchanged and pass them on to future generations as a valuable sample.

From a certain perspective, it is no different from specimens soaked in formalin.

To be honest, seal designation was considered a heinous crime even according to the moral standards of those magicians.

However, the Magician Association centered on the Clock Tower has always been an expert in civil war and an outsider in external war, so it seemed extremely confident when facing Zheng Shu, who disguised himself as a magician.

Then it was withered.

After all, Zheng Shu would not be used to these guys, and there was no one he was familiar with in the Ministry of Law and Affairs that carried out the seal designation. Of course, he would be ruthless if he could.

At first, the two people sent by the Clock Tower were pinched to death by Zheng Shu. Later, more and more people were sent out. Zheng Shu also felt a little impatient, so he simply ran to London and found the Clock Tower's base camp and caused a scene. Fan.

If it weren't for the fact that there are several weapons inside the clock tower that make Zheng Shu's servant feel threatened, and there are many people he is familiar with in the headquarters of the clock tower, maybe the entire clock tower will be destroyed in that battle. It was cleaned up directly by Zheng Shu.

However, although Zheng Shu was repulsed by the clock tower in the end, it must be said that this trick was indeed effective and allowed Zheng Shu to live a stable life for several months.

But after a brief period of calm, he was greeted with more frequent harassment.

As for why Zheng Shu didn’t continue to go to the clock tower to sabotage and counterattack...

Zheng Shu glanced at something he was holding in his hand. It was a T-shaped black handle. As long as magic power was poured into it, a silver blade would appear.

"The job of the church is not considered professional. If you want to blame others, you must at least use special magic costumes." Zheng Shu looked at the trophy in his hand and casually crushed it into pieces.

In fact, it's not that the church's executors are unprofessional, it's because Zheng Shu massacred the executors at a speed far beyond everyone's imagination, so much so that Zheng Shu had already killed all the people who attacked him before the logistics staff had time to retreat.

And with the blessing of the Moon God, he easily found the logistics position. This thing was found from those logistics personnel.

In fact, although the magicians of the Clock Method are arrogant and arrogant, they also have a very good advantage, that is, they can clearly see the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves, and they are quite shameless.

Someone directly broke into the base camp and carried out a massacre. Such a humiliation would not be easily spared by any other force. Forces like the Church would even fight to the death.

But for the Clock Tower, after it was clear that Zheng Shu was strong enough, they didn't even dare to fart. Even if Zheng Shu himself appeared in front of them now, they would choose to ignore it very tacitly.

The harassment Zheng Shu encountered later was entirely due to other forces trying to fish in troubled waters.

There are not a few forces like the Church that were caught by Zheng Shu because of a flaw, but more often than not, even Zheng Shu can completely tell who is fishing in troubled waters.

After all, the Magicians Association's seal designation is well-known, and anyone who is assigned a seal designation has huge benefits.

Anyway, they are just some manpower. Even if they are all dead, it will not hurt these big forces.

If it succeeds, the profit will be huge. If it fails, it will only lose some manpower, and the bad reputation will be carried by the Magician Association.

For these forces, after discovering the traces designated by the seal, of course they have to send people to try.

There are even many forces in the Magicians Association who want to fish in troubled waters. After all, although the Clock Tower can almost completely represent the Magicians Association in the outside world, it does not mean that there is only the Clock Tower in the Magicians Association.

After Zheng Shu understood this, he no longer planned to tangle with these people.

Attacking other forces without clear evidence will cause panic. With his current strength, it is impossible to survive after provoking all the forces. After all, the upper limit of a servant's body is here.

This means that he cannot counteract all forces like he countered the Clock Tower... At least he needs to be more secure before meeting Medusa.

As for after seeing each other... Of course, there are revenges and complaints. You can live happily without any grudges. Anyway, Zheng Shu feels that with his strength as a servant, he can at least pull a few people together before he is completely wiped out. Power goes.

But it’s time to see which unlucky ones he will encounter.

Of course, in addition to this, the most important reason for Zheng Shu to choose to settle down for a period of time is also because the influence factors he has received from these people have begun to decrease recently.

Progress: 240.12%→310.12%→318.27%

The reward for completely changing the outcome of the Fourth Holy Grail War was quite generous, and the impact factor of 70% of the collection progress was enough to make Zheng Shu wake up from his sleep with a smile.

In comparison, the amount of influence factors obtained from the battle of wits and courage with the Clock Tower and other forces can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

After working hard for several months and traveling to most of the world, I only managed to obtain a little over 8% of the impact factor collection progress. That time I explained to Zheng Shu the difference between the characters in the main plot and the characters in the non-main plot. How big.

"Alas, I have only obtained less than 1% of the impact factor in the past two months. It seems that it is time to give up this method of 'brushing points'." Zheng Shu complained, stood up and left the park, "Just in time, recently There are fewer and fewer flies coming to harass me. I guess no one will dare to mess with me in a short time..."

He has now returned to Japan. After all, from the perspective of avoiding the harassment of those cockroach-like guys, the most suitable countries are the Eastern countries.

There are many things related to the "main plot" here in Japan, so Zheng Shu still chooses to come here.

In addition to hiding his traces, he also wanted to see if he could find a new "plot".

"Speaking of which, where am I now?" Zheng Shu scratched his head.

Because he moved quickly while fighting the church guys, he was not sure where he was now.

Fortunately, he saw the name of the city in front of him on a sign on the highway next to him: Guanbuzi City.

(PS: I’m so tired. In order to ensure the accuracy of the plot, I watched Kong Jing again, and then I was fascinated by the unique narrative method of Mushroom. The most troublesome thing for me is... I haven’t finished watching it yet. _(` ∠)__.)

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